University Project ( Class: Security )
The objective of this project is to develop a system enabling users to ex-change messages asynchronously. Messages are sent and received through a non-trustworthy central repository, which keeps messages for users until they fetch them. The resulting system is composed by a Rendezvous Point, or Server, and several clients exchanging messages. The system should be designed to support the following security features:
- Message confidentiality, integrity and authentication
- Message delivery confirmation
- Identity preservation
You have two option for install requirements:
(Python3 required)
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
(virtualenv required)
source venv/bin/activate
You will also need a middleware of the Portuguese Citizenship Card because to ensure identity preservation all messages are signed using CC's Authentication Key.
First, it is needed to run the server:
# On project dir
python Server/
After, for open one client interface, it is needed to plug the Citizenship Card and next:
# On project dir
python Client/