A Dart client API to DuckDb
Sending and executing statements works. Fetching the data back into Dart works for most important data types.
All database operations are sync 😃.
There are several features that are not yet implemented. For example:
Inserting data into DuckDb is usually done with an appender. Right now, the recommended way to insert bulk data is to use the native DuckDb functionality
, see documentation. -
Complex data types (list, struct, array)
Because DuckDb also has a WASM implementation, it should be possible to run/embed it into Flutter and on the Web. I have not explored that direction.
As I am not an expert in databases, C, or even Dart, there should be significant room for improvement in the performance and ergonomics of this package. PR's are welcome. I may not be able to engage in the long term maintenance of this package, and it's very likely that I won't provide the level of support the community needs. If the development of this package is not happening fast enough for you, consider becoming a contributor so you can take this project further and faster. I created this package because DuckDB was worth exploring and there are not a lot of DB offerings for Dart on the backend.
A huge thanks to the Dart FFI package designers. The FFI gen just works! It's amazing.
I only have access to an Ubuntu 22.04 and a Windows 10 machine for testing. The package has been tested with the 1.1.0
DuckDb version.
To use the package, you need to install the Command line
and the C/C++
bindings on your machine, see installation.
It is painless process. For Linux systems, just copy the libduckdb.so
the /usr/local/lib
folder. For Window, make sure the dll
is on your path.
final con = Connection.inMemory();
con.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl (state VARCHAR, population INTEGER);');
con.execute("INSERT INTO tbl VALUES ('CA', 39539223), ('VA', 8631393);");
print(con.fetch('SELECT * FROM tbl;'));
con.close(); // close the connection to release resources
You can also load an existing database from disk
final con = Connection('data.duckdb');
final res = con.fetch('SHOW TABLES;');
Or read in a csv file directly
final con = Connection.inMemory();
con.execute("CREATE TABLE ontime AS SELECT * FROM 'flights.csv'");
print(con.fetch('SELECT * FROM ontime LIMIT 5;'));
See the test/duckdb_test.dart
for more examples.
For convenience, you can map a row of the resulting query directly to a Dart class using fetchRows
. For example,
given the table
con.execute('CREATE TABLE people (name VARCHAR, age INTEGER);');
con.execute("INSERT INTO people VALUES ('Tom', 31), ('Jenny', 29), ('Maria', 33);");
and the class
final class Person {
Person({required this.name, required this.age});
String name;
int age;
you can map the rows of the table to a Person
using fetchRows
final result = con.fetchRows('SELECT name, age FROM people ORDER BY name;',
(List row) => Person(name: row[0], age: row[1]));
assert(result.length == 3);
assert(result.first.name == 'Jenny');
assert(result.first.age == 29);
The documentation on the DuckDb web site is comprehensive. For more info on Db internals, see the presentation.
The Dart client is based on the DuckDb C API. The DuckDb tests for the C API are located at
Download the C/C++ DuckDb bindings and extract the zip file.
- Put the
header file in the./third_party
folder - Copy the
in the/usr/local/lib
folder - Run
dart run ffigen --config ffigen.yaml
to generate the bindings.
Bindings get generated in file./src/ffi/duckdb.g.dart