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spaCy pipeline for french focused on personal pronouns, fictions and first person point of view texts.


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spaCy pipeline for french fictions or first person point of view texts (with a focus on personal pronouns, moods and tenses), mostly trained on novels.

Feature Description
Language french
Name fr_solipcysme
Version 0.2.5
spaCy ==3.8.4
Default Pipeline jusqucy_tokenizer,commecy_normalizer, jusqucy_normalizer, pretagger_hunspell,morphologizer, viceverser_lemmatizer, parser
Components jusqucy_tokenizer, jusqucy_normalizer, commecy_normalizer, morphologizer, viceverser_lemmatizer, parser
Vectors 669785 keys, 6697856 unique vectors (100 dimensions)
Sources Corpus narraFEATS (morphologizer), Universal Dependencies (parser), french-word-vectors (vectors)
License GPL
Author thjbdvlt


pip install


import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("fr_solipcysme")

doc = nlp(
    "la MACHINE à (b)rouiller le temps s'est peuuut-etre déraillée..?"

for i in doc:
        i.norm_,      # commecy_normalizer / jusqucy_normalizer
        i.pos_,       # morphologizer
        i.morph,      # morphologizer
        i.lemma_,     # viceverser_lemmatizer
        i.dep_,       # parser
        i.head,       # parser
        i.sent_start, # jusqucy_tokenizer
        i._.ttype,    # jusqucy_tokenizer
        i._.isword,   # jusqucy_tokenizer

    # these attributes are not especially usefull.
    # mostly used to make morphologizer more accurate.
    doc._.jusqucy_ttypes,  # jusqucy_tokenizer
    doc._.hunspell_po,     # pretagger_hunspell
    doc._.hunspell_is,     # pretagger_hunspell

components and architectures

solipCysme not only is a trained pipeline, but also a set of minimal pipeline components and model architectures that can be used independently.


a modified MultiHashEmbed that makes it possible to use Doc underscore attributes as features. The value of an attribute must be a list of int, and must have the same length as the Doc itself.


a modified CharacterEmbed that makes it possible to use underscore attributes as features and that replace nC (number of character) by nCstart and nCend, so that one can chose an asymetric representation of words (e. g., for french, to only suffix, with nCstart = 0 and nCend = 6).


a component that makes Hunspell morphological analysis available as features for the SolipcysmeMultiHashe or SolipcysmeCharEmbed architectures.

limits and specificities

  • only knows about straigt apostroph (') and quotes (").
  • morphologizer depends on the jusqucy_tokenizer, because this tokenizer sets a value to a doc extension (Doc._.jusqucy_ttypes), used by the morpholgizer.
  • morphologizer depends on the pretagger_hunspell component, too; because the morphologizer uses the output of Hunspell as token features (po: and is: features).
  • no Gender feature


this work is released under GPL license (v3).