JavaScript code snippet that scrapes through the results of our 'Form 4 2023 class' and returns them as an array of objects. Link to the results: This is the starter to my task:
Walkthrough of my Script Creation Process:
To scrape the results of the ‘Form 4 2023 class’ from the specified ‘URL’ Link to the results: using Node.js, you i used a combination of libraries of ‘axios’ for making HTTP requests and ‘cheerio’ for parsing and manipulating the HTML.
Process of Scraping Data Using Node.js.
Setting Up My Project:
Creating a new Node.js project. Installing required packages: ‘axios’ and ‘cheerio’. npm init -y npm install axios cheerio
Creating a JavaScript File: Creating a file named’scrapeResults.js.’
Writing the Code:
The following script will fetch the HTML content, parse the results table, and return the results as an array of objects. Importing Required Libraries:
const axios = require('axios'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); axios: A promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. Used here to fetch the HTML content of the webpage. cheerio: A fast, flexible, and lean implementation of jQuery designed for server-side.Allows to parse and manipulate the HTML using a syntax similar to jQuery.
Create an Async Function: (async () => { An immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) that is declared as an asynchronous function to use await inside it. It’s helps in managing asynchronous operations more cleanly. Try-Catch Block for Error Handling:
try { The code within the try block is executed, and if any error occurs, it is caught in the catch block. URL of the Results Page:
const url = ''; The ‘URL’ of the results page to be scraped. Fetch HTML Content:
const { data } = await axios.get(url); axios.get(url): Makes an HTTP GET request to fetch the content of the specified URL. data: Destructuring to extract the data property from the response object which contains the HTML content. Load HTML into Cheerio:
const $ = cheerio.load(data); cheerio.load(data): Parses the HTML and returns an object that allows you to query and manipulate the DOM like jQuery. Initialize Results Array:
const results = []; An empty array to store the results of the students. Select the Table:
const table = $('table'); Selects the first
element in the HTML. This assumes that the table of interest is the first table on the page. Iterate Over Rows, Skipping Header:table.find('tr').each((index, row) => { if (index === 0) return; // Skip the header row Iterates over each
element (table row) found within the table. Skips the first row (header) using the index check. Find and Process Cells:const cells = $(row).find('td'); Selects all
elements (table cells) within the current row.
Create Student Object:
const student = { indexNumber: $(cells[0]).text().trim(), // Assuming index number is in the 1st column subjects: [] }; Constructs an object for the student. indexNumber: Extracted from the first cell. Initializes an empty array for subjects. Extract Subjects and Grades: for (let i = 2; i < cells.length; i += 2) {
subject: results.push(student); Adds the student object to the results array. Log Results: console.log(results); Logs the results array to the console. Catch and Log Errors: } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching the results:', error); } Logs any errors that occur during the scraping process to the console. Running the Script:
Challenges Faced: HTML Structure Assumptions: Assumed the table structure and cell order. If the HTML structure changes, the script might break. Dynamic Content: Dealing with potential dynamic content loaded by JavaScript, which isn’t an issue here since the page appears static. Data Extraction Logic: Ensuring accurate mapping between cells and data fields, particularly if the number of subjects varies. Improvements: Dynamic Cell Mapping: Instead of assuming fixed column positions, the script could dynamically determine which columns contain specific data. Error Resilience: Enhancing error handling to manage specific errors like network issues or changes in HTML structure. Pagination Handling: If the results are paginated, adding logic to navigate through multiple pages and aggregate results. Robustness: Adding validation to check if cells contain expected data and handling cases where data might be missing. |