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[viz] add radar-plot-minmax, update radar example, add
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points->path-segments, add format-percent, update docs
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postspectacular committed Jun 13, 2015
1 parent b88363d commit efbdf54
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 23 deletions.
101 changes: 78 additions & 23 deletions geom-viz/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
- [[#line-plot][Line plot]]
- [[#area-graph][Area graph]]
- [[#radar-plot][Radar plot]]
- [[#min-max-radar-plot][Min-Max radar plot]]
- [[#scatter-plot][Scatter plot]]
- [[#bar-plot][Bar plot]]
- [[#contour-lines][Contour lines]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ Same overall visualization setup, only using polar coordinate transform and rede

*** Radar plot

| [[]] | [[]] |

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle ../babel/examples/radar.clj :noweb yes :mkdirp yes :padline no
Expand All @@ -269,34 +270,51 @@ Same overall visualization setup, only using polar coordinate transform and rede
(def category->domain (zipmap [:c1 :c2 :c3 :c4 :c5 :c6] (range)))
(def domain->category (set/map-invert category->domain))

(defn radar-spec
[[vals color]]
{:values vals
(defn random-radar-spec
"Generates radar plot data spec w/ random values for each category in the form:
{:c1 0.8 :c2 0.2 ...}"
{:values (zipmap (keys category->domain) (repeatedly #(m/random 0.25 1)))
:item-pos (fn [[k v]] [(category->domain k) v])
:attribs {:fill color}
:layout viz/svg-radar-plot})
:attribs {:fill color}
:layout viz/svg-radar-plot})

(defn random-radar-spec-minmax
"Generates radar plot data spec w/ random value intervals for each category in the form:
{:c1 [0.5 0.8] :c2 [0.12 0.2] ...}"
{:values (zipmap
(keys category->domain)
(repeatedly #(let [x (m/random 0.5 1)] [(* x (m/random 0.25 0.75)) x])))
:item-pos-min (fn [[k v]] [(category->domain k) (first v)])
:item-pos-max (fn [[k v]] [(category->domain k) (peek v)])
:attribs {:fill color}
:layout viz/svg-radar-plot-minmax})

(->> {:x-axis (viz/linear-axis
{:domain [0 5] :range [0 (* 2 (- 1.0 (/ 1 6)) PI)] :major 1
:label-dist 20 :pos 260
:format (comp str/capitalize name domain->category)})
:y-axis (viz/linear-axis
{:domain [0 1.05] :range [0 260] :major 0.5 :minor 0.1 :pos (/ PI 2)
:label {:text-anchor "start"}
:format #(str (int (* % 100)) "%")})
:origin (v/vec2 300 300)
:circle true
:grid {:attribs {:stroke "#caa" :fill "none"}
:minor-x true
:minor-y true}
:data (mapv radar-spec
[[{:c1 0.9 :c2 0.333 :c3 1 :c4 0.8 :c5 0.75 :c6 0.2} [0 0.66 1 0.33]]
[{:c1 0.5 :c2 0.2 :c3 0.8 :c4 0.8 :c5 0.5 :c6 0.9} [1 0.5 0 0.33]]
[{:c1 0.6 :c2 0.25 :c3 0.7 :c4 0.2 :c5 0.8 :c6 0.7} [1 0 0.8 0.33]]])}
(def viz-spec
{:x-axis (viz/linear-axis
{:domain [0 5] :range [0 (* 2 (- 1.0 (/ 1 6)) PI)] :major 1
:label-dist 20 :pos 260
:format (comp str/capitalize name domain->category)})
:y-axis (viz/linear-axis
{:domain [0 1.05] :range [0 260] :major 0.5 :minor 0.1 :pos (/ PI 2)
:label {:text-anchor "start"}
:format viz/format-percent})
:grid {:minor-x true :minor-y true}
:origin (v/vec2 300 300)
:circle true})

(->> (assoc viz-spec :data (mapv random-radar-spec [[0 0.66 1 0.33] [1 0.5 0 0.33] [1 0 0.8 0.33]]))
(svg/svg {:width 600 :height 600})
(spit "radarplot.svg"))

(->> (assoc viz-spec :data (mapv random-radar-spec-minmax [[0 0.66 1 0.33] [1 0.5 0 0.33] [1 0 0.8 0.33]]))
(svg/svg {:width 600 :height 600})
(spit "radarplot-minmax.svg"))

*** Stacked intervals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -819,6 +837,35 @@ details.
(svg/polygon (map first (process-points v-spec d-spec)) (:attribs d-spec)))

**** Min-Max radar plot

This version of the radar plot expects a min/max interval for each
data item. For example a single data point of =[2 0.25 0.75]= would
define a domain position at x=2 and an interval of 0.25-0.75. If no
=:item-pos-*= options are supplied this 3-element vector format is
assumed for each data point.

| *Key* | *Required* | *Default* | *Description* |
| =:item-pos-min= | N | =[x min]= | Function to provide min. data point |
| =:item-pos-max= | N | =[x max]= | Function to provide max. data point |

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref plot-2d
(defn svg-radar-plot-minmax
[v-spec {:keys [item-pos-min item-pos-max] :as d-spec}]
(let [min-points (->> (assoc d-spec :item-pos (or item-pos-min (fn [i] (take 2 i))))
(process-points v-spec)
(map first)
max-points (->> (assoc d-spec :item-pos (or item-pos-max (fn [i] [(first i) (nth i 2)])))
(process-points v-spec)
(map first)
(concat max-points [[:Z]] min-points [[:Z]])
(assoc (:attribs d-spec) :fill-rule "evenodd"))))

*** Scatter plot

| *Key* | *Required* | *Default* | *Description* |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1116,13 +1163,21 @@ details.
:shape shape})))))

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref transformers
(defn points->path-segments
[[p & more]] (reduce #(conj % [:L %2]) [[:M p]] more))

** Value formatting

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref formatters
(defn value-formatter
(let [fmt [(f/float prec)]]
(fn [x] (f/format fmt x))))

(defn format-percent
[x] (str (int (* x 100)) "%"))

** Custom shapes
Expand Down

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