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[viz] add visualization module & initial implementations of SVG scatter
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and contour plots, linear and log scales, update build scripts
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postspectacular committed Jun 6, 2015
1 parent ff67814 commit 45a86f5
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Showing 6 changed files with 460 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ readonly ARGS="$@"
readonly PREFIX="geom-"

main() {
local modules="core types meshops physics svg voxel webgl"
local modules="core types meshops physics svg viz voxel webgl"

for m in $modules
Expand Down
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions geom-viz/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
#+SETUPFILE: ../../src/

* Contents :toc_4_gh:
- [[#namespace-thinggeomvizcore][Namespace:]]
- [[#example-usage][Example usage]]
- [[#scatter-plot][Scatter plot]]
- [[#contour-plot][Contour plot]]
- [[#scales][Scales]]
- [[#linear-scale][Linear scale]]
- [[#logarithmic-scale][Logarithmic scale]]
- [[#axis--tick-generators][Axis & tick generators]]
- [[#svg-axis-generators][SVG axis generators]]
- [[#logarithmic][Logarithmic]]
- [[#2d-plotting-svg][2D Plotting (SVG)]]
- [[#generic-plotting-helpers][Generic plotting helpers]]
- [[#scatter-plot][Scatter plot]]
- [[#contour-lines][Contour lines]]
- [[#custom-shape-drawing][Custom shape drawing]]
- [[#todo-3d-plotting][TODO 3D Plotting]]
- [[#complete-namespace-definition][Complete namespace definition]]

* Namespace:

** Example usage

*** Scatter plot


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref example1
(require '[ :as viz] :reload)
(require '[ :as svg])
(require '[ :as m])

(->> {:x-axis (viz/log-axis 10 [0.1 201] [50 590] 550)
:y-axis (viz/log-axis 10 [0.1 101] [550 20] 50)
:grid {:attribs {:stroke "#caa"}
:minor-x true
:minor-y true}
:data [{:values (map (juxt identity #(Math/sqrt %)) (range 0 200 2))
:attribs {:fill "#0af" :stroke "none"}
:layout viz/svg-scatter-plot}
{:values (map (juxt identity #(m/random %)) (range 0 200 2))
:attribs {:fill "none" :stroke "#f60"}
:shape (viz/svg-triangle-down 3)
:layout viz/svg-scatter-plot}]}
(svg/svg {:width 600 :height 600})
(spit "scatter.svg"))

*** Contour plot

| [[]] | [[]] |

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref example2
(require '[ :as viz] :reload)
(require '[ :as svg])
(require '[ :as m])
(require '[ :as n])

(->> {:x-axis (viz/log-axis 2 [0 64] [50 550] 555)
:y-axis (viz/log-axis 2 [0 64] [550 50] 45)
:data [{:matrix (->> (for [y (range 64) x (range 64)]
(+ 0.5 (* 0.5 (n/noise2 (* x 0.06) (* y 0.06)))))
(viz/contour-matrix 64 64))
:levels (range 0.1 1 0.1)
:attribs {:fill "none" :stroke "#0af"}
;; :attribs {:fill "rgba(0,160,255,0.1)" :stroke "#0af"} ;; filled version
:layout viz/svg-contour-plot}]}
(svg/svg {:width 600 :height 600})
(spit "contours.svg"))

** Scales

*** Linear scale

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref scale
(defn linear-scale
[domain range]
(fn [x] (m/map-interval x domain range)))

*** Logarithmic scale

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref scale
(defn log
(let [lb (Math/log base)]
#(/ (cond
(pos? %) (Math/log %)
(neg? %) (- (Math/log (- %)))
:else 0)

(defn log-scale
[base [d1 d2 :as domain] [r1 r2 :as range]]
(let [log* (log base)
d1l (log* d1)
dr (- (log* d2) d1l)]
(fn [x] (m/mix r1 r2 (/ (- (log* x) d1l) dr)))))

** Axis & tick generators

*** SVG axis generators

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref axis
(defn tick-value
[x] (m/roundto x (if (< (m/abs x) 1) 0.01 1)))

(defn svg-axis*
[{:keys [major minor]} a b align tick1-fn tick2-fn]
{:stroke "black"}
{:fill "black"
:font-family "Arial"
:font-size 10
:text-anchor align}
(mapcat tick1-fn major))
{:stroke "#333"}
(map minor))
(svg/line a b)))

(defn svg-x-axis
[{:keys [scale major minor pos] [r1 r2] :range :as spec}]
spec [r1 pos] [r2 pos] "start"
#(let [x (scale %)]
[(svg/line [x pos] [x (+ pos 10)]) (svg/text [x (+ pos 20)] (tick-value %))])
#(let [x (scale %)]
(svg/line [x pos] [x (+ pos 5)]))))

(defn svg-y-axis
[{:keys [scale major minor pos] [r1 r2] :range :as spec}]
spec [pos r1] [pos r2] "end"
#(let [y (scale %)]
[(svg/line [pos y] [(- pos 10) y]) (svg/text [(- pos 15) y] (tick-value %))])
#(let [y (scale %)]
(svg/line [pos y] [(- pos 5) y]))))

*** Logarithmic

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref axis
(defn log-ticks-domain
[base d1 d2]
(let [log* (log base)] [(m/floor (log* d1)) (m/ceil (log* d2))]))

(defn log-tick-marks-major
[base [d1 d2] n]
(let [[d1l d2l] (log-ticks-domain base d1 d2)]
(->> (for [i (range d1l (inc d2l))]
(if (>= i 0)
(* (/ 1 n) (Math/pow base i))
(* (/ 1 n) (- (Math/pow base (- i))))))
(filter #(m/in-range? d1 d2 %)))))

(defn log-tick-marks-minor
[base [d1 d2] n]
(let [[d1l d2l] (log-ticks-domain base d1 d2)
ticks (if (== 2 base) [0.75] (range 2 n))]
(->> (for [i (range d1l (inc d2l)) j ticks]
(if (>= i 0)
(* (/ j n) (Math/pow base i))
(* (/ j n) (- (Math/pow base (- i))))))
(filter #(m/in-range? d1 d2 %)))))

(defn log-axis
[base domain range pos]
{:scale (log-scale base domain range)
:major (log-tick-marks-major base domain base)
:minor (log-tick-marks-minor base domain base)
:domain domain
:range range
:pos pos})

** 2D Plotting (SVG)

*** Generic plotting helpers

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref plot-2d
(defn svg-axis-grid2d
[x-axis y-axis {:keys [attribs minor-x minor-y]}]
(let [[x1 x2] (:range x-axis)
[y1 y2] (:range y-axis)
scale-x (:scale x-axis)
scale-y (:scale y-axis)]
(merge {:stroke "#ccc" :stroke-dasharray "1 1"} attribs)
(map #(let [x (scale-x %)] (svg/line [x y1] [x y2]))
(if minor-x (concat (:minor x-axis) (:major x-axis)) (:major x-axis)))
(map #(let [y (scale-y %)] (svg/line [x1 y] [x2 y]))
(if minor-y (concat (:minor y-axis) (:major y-axis)) (:major y-axis))))))

(defn svg-plot2d
[{:keys [x-axis y-axis grid data] :as opts}]
(if grid (svg-axis-grid2d x-axis y-axis grid))
(map (fn [spec] ((:layout spec) opts spec)) data)
(if x-axis (svg-x-axis x-axis))
(if y-axis (svg-y-axis y-axis))))

*** Scatter plot

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref plot-2d
(defn svg-scatter-plot
[{:keys [x-axis y-axis]}
{:keys [values attribs shape]
:or {shape #(svg/circle % 3)}}]
(let [scale-x (:scale x-axis)
scale-y (:scale y-axis)
[r1 r2] (:range y-axis)
range' (if (< r1 r2) [r1 r2] [r2 r1])]
(filter #(m/in-range? (:domain x-axis) (first %)))
(map (fn [[x y]] [(scale-x x) (scale-y y)]))
(filter #(m/in-range? range' (second %)))
(map shape))

*** Contour lines

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref plot-2d
(defn contour-matrix
[w h values]
(let [mat (nd/ndarray :float32 values [h w])]
(contours/set-border2d mat 1e9)))

(defn contour->svg
[scale-x scale-y]
(fn [contour]
(-> (map (fn [[y x]] [(scale-x x) (scale-y y)]) contour)

(defn svg-contour-plot
[{:keys [x-axis y-axis]}
{:keys [matrix attribs levels]}]
(let [contour-fn (contour->svg (:scale x-axis) (:scale y-axis))]
#(svg/group {} (map contour-fn (contours/find-contours2d matrix %)))

*** Custom shape drawing

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb-ref shapes
(defn svg-triangle-up
[r] (fn [[x y]] (svg/polygon [[(- x r) (+ y r)] [(+ x r) (+ y r)] [x (- y r)]])))

(defn svg-triangle-down
[r] (fn [[x y]] (svg/polygon [[(- x r) (- y r)] [(+ x r) (- y r)] [x (+ y r)]])))

(defn svg-square
[r] (let [d (* r 2.0)] (fn [[x y]] (svg/rect [(- x r) (- y r)] d d))))

** TODO 3D Plotting


** Complete namespace definition

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle ../babel/src/thi/ng/geom/viz/core.cljc :noweb yes :mkdirp yes :padline no
[ :as g]
[ :as svg]
[ :as nd]
[ :as contours]
[ :as m]))





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