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A CLI for Spheron Protocol


Pick a release flavor for a distribution of your choice and install the binary to a location that is in the PATH


Drag and drop the binary into Windows/System32 folder, accepting permissions if any

Linux / Mac

chmod +x spheronctl && cp spheronctl /usr/local/bin


spheronctl --help - lists top level commands you can run using spheronctl

You probably want to configure the CLI to be used locally,

Collect an API Key from the Spheron Console. Profile > User Settings > Tokens > Create Token

Run the following command locally:

spheronctl configure

You should also pick a project, you can do so with:

spheronctl set project

Navigate to the project you're working on currently and select it

You should be all setup! 🎉

Directory Structure

The pkg /spheron folder is a thin wrapper around API contracts exposed by spheron (this can be maintained in a seperate repo, and added to this repo as a submodule, treating it as the Go-SDK)

The cmd /spheron folder is for logic that glues the Go-SDK to Spheronctl CLI, think of it as thin stubs that work withs with pkg to enable local CLI developer use cases like writing to a config file / interacting with spheron protocol without having to switch to the browser


[ ] Distribution channels - QoL / GTM strategy

  • Mac - brew (better to come from argoapp-live organization)

  • Linux - curl -sSL <> | sh installer from releases

  • Windows - scoop / choco / Powershell (?) / .msi package

[x] Configure local with secret

[x] Organization endpoints

[ ] Print a table of reasons for why a organization is overdue

[x] Coupon endpoint

[ ] Coupon - test happy path if one is present (should work, mostly)

[x] Invites endpoints

[x] Project - Environment Variables endpoints

[x] spheronctl env push --envfile=.env to automatically push deployment environment variables from .env to spheron

[x] spheronctl env pull --envfile=.env.local to automatically pull down local environment variables from spheron

[x] Project - Deployment Environment endpoints

[x] Project - Domains endpoints

[x] Project - Deployment - Create (Post API) is not functional ATM, likely needs plumbing from OAuth 2.0 layers which is likely not currently present without a FE context

[x] Project - Deployment endpoints

[ ] Find out if the Get Framework Suggestions endpoint is relevant from local development environment - Only after local is in remote would it make much sense to get a framework suggestion, assuming they haven't pushed it to remote, this might not add much value, though if they already connected their repo with Git, likely might help with Project - Domain - Create (Post API)

[x] Refactor utils from pkg to cmd

[x] Seems every API provides a error bool and a message string, add support to all the responses to error out at a pkg level if these keys exist, panicking and exiting from the CLI

[x] Find out if we can stream logs with --watch depending on the topic ID for the deployment, seems likely it might be coming from a rabbitmq / kafka queue

[ ] Not particularly sure if set deployment made sense, since if they made a new commit, that seems to be creating a seperate deployment, so when you redeploy and look for logs, it redeploys the previous commit and shows logs, thereby not making too much sense, moved behind a flag for now