An openFrameworks wrapper for Clipper - "an open source freeware polygon clipping library".
From the author's website:
"The Clipper library primarily performs the boolean clipping operations - intersection, union, difference & xor - on 2D polygons. It also performs polygon offsetting.
The library handles complex (self-intersecting) polygons, polygons with holes and polygons with overlapping co-linear edges. Input polygons for clipping can use EvenOdd, NonZero, Positive and Negative filling modes. The clipping code is based on the Vatti clipping algorithm, and out performs other clipping libraries."
To use ofxClipper, first you need to download and install Open Frameworks.
To get a copy of the repository you can download the source from or, alternatively, you can use git clone:
git clone git://
The addon should sit in openFrameworks/addons/ofxClipper/
ofxClipper has been tested with the latest development version of openFrameworks.
The Clipper license file can be found in the libs/clipper
folder above.
See license.txt for wrapper details.