- 🎓 I’m a second-year Computer Engineering student at Mundiapolis University.
- 🌱 Currently on break for my internship in fruit grading.
- 🔍 I’m particularly interested in Machine Learning and Web Development.
- 🎶 Outside of tech, I enjoy long drives, relaxing on the beach, and listening to piano music.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, Node.js, Spring Boot, Java, HTML, CSS, PHP
- Frameworks & Libraries: React (currently learning), Django, TensorFlow
- Tools: GitHub, Git, iTerm, Neovim, VS Code, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Docker, Notion
- Databases & Cloud: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL Workbench, Firebase (currently learning)
Here are some of the projects I’ve worked on:
- Travel Reservation API: A REST API for travel reservations built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
- Data Analyzer: A Django application for analyzing data files.
- Patient Management System: A Spring MVC application for managing patients, featuring listing, pagination, search, and deletion.
- Node.js CRUD for Books: A Node.js application developed as part of a university assignment, featuring basic CRUD operations for managing books with routing and middleware.
I’m currently focusing on my own projects and learning, but I look forward to getting more involved in open-source communities and contributing to collaborative projects.
For more about me and ways to connect, check out my Linktree with all my contact information!