This is a docker container that is intended to be used to in a micro services architecture in conjunction with Consul to dynamically discover the router.
To use this image, do the following
Create a Dockerfile
FROM thehq/crossbar-service-consul
COPY src/ app/src/
Execute Docker overriding the following environment variables as necessary
- SERVICE_ENTRY (default=src.app_session.AppSession): The python path to your application session
- ROUTER_PROTOCOL (default=ws): The protocol to use
- ROUTER_SERVICE (default=app.router): The name of your Crossbar Router service in Consul
- ROUTER_REALM (default=realm1): The name of the realm
- CONSUL_SERVER (default=consul.service.consul:8500): The address of your Consul Server
An example of overriding the CONSUL_SERVER and ROUTER_REALM variables
docker run \
-e "CONSUL_SERVER=localhost:8500" \
-e "ROUTER_REALM=main" ...
This Docker Image has the following features
- Runs the application session using a worker container (see templates/config.json.tmpl)
- Runs "crossbar start" inside of a runit daemon (see services/connect/run)
- Runs Consul Template inside of a runit daemon (see services/config/run)
The result is a service that will reconfigure itself as it dynamically discovers the address of the application router.
You can also leverage Consul Template for other things
Lets say you are using Consul to store some configuration information that your application depends on and you would like to restart the service whenever that information changes, you can do the following
- File is called "data.json" and is read by the code from the run directory, which for this example is in "/app/.crossbar/" inside the container
- The Consul Key where this data is stored is at "$CONSUL_APP_DATA_PATH + '/data'"
Update the following files
{{ key (print (env "CONSUL_APP_DATA_PATH") "/data") }}
cat /etc/consul-templates/data.json.tmpl
exec consul-template \
-consul=$CONSUL_SERVER \
-template "/etc/consul-templates/data.json.tmpl:/app/.crossbar/data.json:cat /app/.crossbar/data.json; sv restart connect"
FROM thehq/crossbar-service-consul
RUN mkdir /etc/consul-templates/
COPY templates/*.tmpl /etc/consul-templates/
# Copy any source code
COPY src/ /app/src/
# Create the services
COPY services/ /etc/service/
RUN chmod +x /etc/service/*/run
Initialize the Consul Key/Value store and run.