In This Web-App you can see the next features:
- Most Popular Animes (Top 10)
- Upcoming Animes (Top 10)
- Tops
- Search Anime by Name
- View Anime Details, Episodes, Video, pictures, genres, etc.
The app is made with the following technologies:
## ⚛️ React
React: 18.1.0
## ⚛️ Styled-Components
Styled-Components: 5.3.6
## ⚛️ Axios
Axios: 1.2.1
## ⚛️ react-slick
react-slick: "0.29.0"
## ⚛️ react-player
react-player: "^2.11.0"
## ⚛️ react-router-dom
"react-router-dom": "^6.4.5",
## How to use:
1.Clone this proyect in your folder: git clone
- Install the dependencies: npm install
## ✉️ Contact
gmail: [email protected]
## 🤔 Autor
👤 **Francisco Cerrano**
- Twitter: [@thedraxxworld](
- Github: [thedraxx](
- LinkedIn: [Francisco Isaac Cerrano](