This Medium story is a complete guide on how to build and host the low-code website you’ve always wanted, for free, in a day
If you have a Netlify account and are logged in, you can deploy this site in under a minute:
- Tailwind CSS, including configuration and optimisation ('vanilla' CSS is also demonstrated)
- Eleventy, including plugins, filters and shortcodes
- Alpine.js, including basic animation with CSS ('vanilla' JS is also demonstrated)
- Nunjucks templates
- Markdown, including custom attributes
- Custom 404 'Page not found' page
- Basic SEO:
- HTML tags with Front Matter
- Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel integration
- Performance optimisation with postcss, cssnano and html-minifier
- Image optimisation with the Eleventy Image Plugin
- Dynamic sitemap.xml and robots.txt
Use nvm
or nvm-windows
to install the latest version of Node.js, npm and npx
git clone
npm i
Configure your domain name, website name, social media links, facebook pixel and more in the env.js
and site.json
files in the src/_data
npm run start
Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser of your choice