A package to programmically fund xrpl accounts using public faucets
To get started using this project, install the node package into your project
npm install @thebettermint/xrpl-auto-funder
yarn add @thebettermint/xrpl-auto-funder
import xrplFunder from '@thebettermint/xrpl-auto-funder';
let response = await xrplFunder(params);
// Logging response
params = {
publicAddress?: String, // Valid "r....." xrpl address to send funds.
destinationTag?: Number, // Destination tag for xrpl address to send funds.
xAddress?: String, // Valid "x....." xrpl address to send funds. If provided, publicAddress and destinationTag parameters are not required.
amount?: String, // Amount to send from the faucet accounts. If left balance, the maximum amount will be sent from the faucet account.
network?: String || String[], // Define a network to send the funds. If blank, funds will be send on all of the available networks
// Format and all eligible networks => [ 'testnet', 'devnet', 'nft', 'hooks']
import { generateFundedWallet } from '@thebettermint/xrpl-auto-funder';
let response = await generateFundedWallet(network);
// Logging response
network: String;
// Available options -> 'testnet', 'devnet', 'nft', 'hooks'
import { generateAllFundedWallets } from '@thebettermint/xrpl-auto-funder';
let response = await generateAllFundedWallets();
// Logging response
import xrplFunder from '@thebettermint/xrpl-auto-funder';
const main = async () => {
let response = await xrplFunder({
xAddress: 'T7AhgLLKhQDifNt8FceQ8P6RXFmeoQBLKjTGYaqZnUW5AC7',
network: 'testnet',
There are available unit test scripts. Below are the available test scripts and descripts, respectively.
"scripts": {
"jest": "jest",
"jest:no-network": "jest -t 'funder no-network'",
"jest:testnet": "jest -t 'funder no-network'",
"jest:nft": "jest -t 'funder no-network'",
"jest:devnet": "jest -t 'funder no-network'",
"jest:xaddress": "jest -t 'funder no-network'",
"jest:single": "jest -t 'generate single'",
"jest:genAll": "jest -t 'generate all'",
"scriptsComments": {
"jest": "Run all unit tests",
"jest:no-network": "Runs single test with no network defined",
"jest:testnet": "Runs single test with testnet",
"jest:nft": "Runs single test with nft devnet",
"jest:devnet": "Runs single test with devnet",
"jest:xaddress": "Runs single test with xaddress",
"jest:single": "Run single test to check the faucet endpoint",
"jest:genAll": "Run single test to check all faucet endpoints"
Pull requests for new features, bug fixes, and suggestions are welcome! Please create an issue for discussion before working on a substantial change. CONTRIBUTING.md
Copyright 2022 thebettermint The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. https://fsf.org/ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.