Pokedex it's a artificial intelligence that has as goal recognizing some pokemons images.
This is a project that was developed for Inteligência Artificial course from UFCG
- The model produced can classify seven pokemons, which are: pikachu, charmander, squirtle, bulbasaur, cyndaquil, totodile and chikorita.
- The searchimages package has some scripts that can be used for collecting images for the dataset.
- Since the trained model is too big for a commit , it will be find on google drive.
- The model was trained with a dataset of about 8490 images.
- Trained model
Creating the virtual environment
$ python -m venv pokevenv
Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Activating virtual envrionment
$ . pokevenv/bin/activate
To classify images
$ python3 classifier.py --model path_to_pokedex.model --labelbin lb.pickle --image examples/pikachu1.jpeg
To train a new model
$ python3 train.py --dataset path_to_dataset --model path_to_pokedex.model --labelbin lb.pickle
For more details about the arguments
$ python3 classifier.py --help
$ python3 train.py --help
- Here there are some examples of successful images classification
- There are more examples of classification in examples package
- Pikachu
- Charmander
- Bulbasaur
- Squirtle
- Cyndaquil
- Chikorita
- Totodile
- Keras
- Tensorflow as Keras backend
- Sklearn
- OpenCV