Backend-agnostic BNF grammar with type inference and semantic actions.
For IDE support, we provide a VSCode extension with the following features:
- Semantic-based syntax highlighting
- Go to definition/go to references/find all references
So far, we support 3 different architectures, which unveil the capability of Typed BNF's backend agnostic code generation.
architecture | backend(PGEN + PL) | lexer Impl | parser capability | ADT encoding |
antlr | antlr4+csharp | antlr | ALL(*) | case classes |
antlr | antlr4+typescript (default) | antlr | ALL(*) | tagged unions |
antlr | antlr4+typescript (-be case-class ) |
antlr | ALL(*) | case classs |
*pure bnf | pure bnf | antlr notation | CFG |
(PL = programming language; PGEN = parser generator; pure bnf means it is the pure BNF for readable syntax specification )
You might check the following test scripts for detailed usage guide.
: Lua parser in TypeScript. (Algebraic) Data types are encoded using tagged unions.test-scripts/
: Lua parser in TypeScript. (Algebraic) Data types are encoded using case classes.test-scripts/
: Lua parser in CSharp.test-scripts/
: JSON parser in CSharp.
Note that a Lua (or JSON) parser generated for different programming languages comes from the same grammar.
Support for Python Lark & OCaml Menhir is deprecated since v0.4, see v0.3 for more.
Download the single executable file tbnf-VERSION-TARGET
(e.g., tbnf-0.4.0-win-x64.exe
, tbnf-0.4.0-osx-arm64
) from the release page.
Usage: tbnf [options] <source-grammar-file>
Version: 0.4.2
--version Show version and exit
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-o, --outDir DIR Specify output directory (default: same as source file)
-be, --backend TYPE Backend to use
Possible TYPE values:
csharp-antlr C# backend using ANTLR
typescript-antlr TypeScript backend using ANTLR
pure-bnf PureBNF backend
-ae, --adt-encoding TYPE ADT encoding
Possible TYPE values:
tagged-union ADT encoding via tagged unions (default for TypeScript)
case-class ADT encoding via case classes (default for C#)
-lang, --language NAME Language name to generate (default: "mylang")
-conf, --config PATH Path to the 'tbnf.config.js' file (default: <outDir>/tbnf.config.js)
tbnf -lang mylanguage mygrammar.tbnf -be typescript-antlr -ae tagged-union
tbnf -lang mylanguage mygrammar.tbnf -be csharp-antlr -conf tbnf.config.js
You might check out Typed BNF Documentations.
For TypeScript backends, you will also antlr-ng compiler and antlr4ng runtime.
For non-TypeScript backends, you will also need antlr4
command line tool, install it from
The following grammar compiles and runs for programming languages and parser architectures supported by TBNF.
extern var parseInt : str -> int
extern var parseFlt : str -> float
extern var getStr : token -> str
extern var unesc : str -> str
extern var appendList : <a> (list<a>, a) -> list<a>
type Json
type JsonPair(name: str, value: Json)
case JInt : int -> Json
case JFlt : float -> Json
case JStr : str -> Json
case JNull : () -> Json
case JList : (elements: list<Json>) -> Json
case JDict : list<JsonPair> -> Json
case JBool : bool -> Json
ignore space
digit = [0-9] ;
start : json { $1 }
int = digit+ ;
float = digit* "." int ;
str = "\"" ( "\\" _ | ! "\"" )* "\"" ;
space = ("\t" | "\n" | "\r" | " ")+;
seplist(sep, elt) : elt { [$1] }
| seplist(sep, elt) sep elt
{ appendList($1, $3) }
jsonpair : <str> ":" json { JsonPair(unesc(getStr($1)), $3) }
/* CPP comments */
json : <int> { JInt(parseInt(getStr($1))) }
| <float> { JFlt(parseFlt(getStr($1))) }
| "null" { JNull() }
| <str> { JStr(unesc(getStr($1))) }
| "[" "]" { JList([]) }
| "{" "}" { JDict([]) }
| "true" { JBool(true) }
| "false" { JBool(false) }
| "[" seplist(",", json) "]" { JList($2) }
| "{" seplist(",", jsonpair) "}" { JDict($2) }
You can put a tbnf.config.js
in the output directory to define how the names of variables/types/fields/constructors map from Typed BNF to the backend language.
For instance, this is what we did for CSharp-Antlr4 JSON example: link.
"use strict";
function rename_type(x) {
if (x == "list") return "Array";
if (x == "int") return "number";
if (x == "float") return "number";
if (x == "str") return "string";
if (x == "bool") return "boolean";
if (x == "token") return "antlr.Token";
return x + "_t";
module.exports = {
Key points:
- Typed BNF has 7 built-in types:
. - Typed BNF ships with no built-in functions, which makes it suitable to write portable grammars without ruling out semantic actions.
Check out Backends.*.fs
- .NET 8.0 SDK
- Deno
- Antlr4 (for non-TypeScript backends)
- Antlr4NG & Antlr-NG (for TypeScript backends)
deno run -A build.ts build
All distributions are built into the dist
> ls -lhp dist | grep -v /$ | awk '{print $5 "\t" $9}'
70M TBNF.CLI.exe
44K TBNF.CLI.pdb
132K TBNF.Core.pdb
75M tbnf-0.4.0-linux-arm64
69M tbnf-0.4.0-linux-x64
75M tbnf-0.4.0-osx-arm64
69M tbnf-0.4.0-osx-x64
70M tbnf-0.4.0-win-x64.exe
The grammar for Typed BNF is also implemented using Typed BNF.
deno run -A build.ts bootstrap-once