A lot of the configuation was inspired and based on from daniruiz/dotfiles project
This repo basically contains my dotfiles configuation I use for my Arch-Based distro
The packages that the .zshrc depends on are listed in the ./arch-pkglist.txt
You can manually install them or use the yay package manager as mentioned in the file
As for vimrc you will need PlugInstall installed
Step 1: Make sure you have installed the dependencies that are mentioned in the ./arch-pkglist.txt
- To install the required packages run the following command
yay -S $(grep -v '^#' arch-pkglist.txt | xargs)
Step 2: Copy/ Move the contents from the ./dotfiles
- Make sure they are placed into your
dir or~
Step 3: Srouce the .zshrc file
source .zshrc
You should have everything running perfectly
NOTE: You can re-configure the look and feel of your z-shell by running p10k configure
in your terminal.
In order to work with my .vimrc
you will need to have vim-plugins installed
Here's are the steps
Step 1: Install the vim-plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim
Step 2: copy the ~/.vimrc file
If you followed the previous step you should have moved it with the .zshrc, if not, move the .vimrc into your $HOME dir.
Step 3: Open vim in your terminal and run the following command
Step 1: Make the install.sh executable
chmod +x install.sh
Step 2: run the install.sh
Step 3: profit!