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th2-json-stream-provider (j-sp) (0.0.7)

This python server is made to launch Jupyter notebooks (*.ipynb) and get results from them.



  • notebooks (Default value: /home/jupyter-notebook/) - path to the directory with notebooks. j-sp search files with ipynb extension recursively in the specified folder.
  • results (Default value: /home/jupyter-notebook/results) - path to the directory for run results. j-sp resolves result file with jsonl extension against specified folder.
  • logs (Default value: /home/jupyter-notebook/logs) - path to the directory for run logs. j-sp puts run logs to specified folder.
  • out-of-use-engine-time (Default value: 3600) - out-of-use time interval in seconds. j-sp unregisters engine related to a notebook when user doesn't run the notebook more than this time


  • /home/json-stream/ - is home folder for j-sp. It can contain: installed python library, pip.conf and other useful files for run notebooks.
  • /home/jupyter-notebook/ - is shared folder between this tool and any source of notebooks. In general j-sp should be run with jupyter notebook/lab/hub. User can develop / debug a notebook in the jupyter and run via j-sp


th2-rpt-viewer since the 5.2.7-TH2-5142-9348403860 version can interact with j-sp by the http://<cluster>:<port>/th2-<schema>/json-stream-provider/ URL


j-sp use pod resources to run notebooks. Please calculate required resource according to solving issues.

kind: Th2Box
  name: json-stream-provider
  imageVersion: 0.0.2
  type: th2-rpt-data-provider
    notebooks: /home/jupyter-notebook/
    results: /home/jupyter-notebook/j-sp/results/
    logs: /home/jupyter-notebook/j-sp/logs/
    out-of-use-engine-time: 3600
    - path: /home/jupyter-notebook/
      pvcName: jupyter-notebook
    - path: /home/json-stream/
      pvcName: json-stream-provider
      memory: 1000Mi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 100Mi
      cpu: 100m
    enabled: true
        - '/json-stream-provider/'
      - name: backend
        containerPort: 8080
        port: 8080

Jupyter's notebooks format

  • Cell tagged parameters (required). You can read detail about this cell below.
  • Cell with dependencies (optional) - server doesn't include third-party packages by default. You can install / uninstall packages required for your code in one of cells. All installed packages are shared between runs any notebook. Installation example:
    import sys
    !{sys.executable} -m pip install <package_name>==<package_version>

Jupyter's notebooks inputs

Notebook must have a first cell with the parameters tag. This cell is used to configure parametrized run.

  • this cell should be listed parameters only.
  • parameters could have typing and value, but value must be constant and have primitive type like boolean, number, string.

Required parameters:

  • output_path - path to JSONL file. Server considers a content of this file as run results. js-p generates and passes a file path in the folder configured by results setting for this parameter

Optional parameters:

  • customization_path - path to JSON file. Server considers a content of this file as run customization. js-p generates and passes a file path in the folder configured by results setting for this parameter

Special parameters suffixes

Parameter names can have special suffixes to help a viewer apples different controls for them

  • _file - string parameter is containing path to a file on the server node. js-p provides paths to a files located in the folders or sub-folders of configured dirs by notebooks and results settings
  • _timestamp - string parameter is containing datetime in the ISO format like 2024-07-01T05:06:59.664Z
  • _pycode - string parameter is containing a code. A viewer can apply highlighting for this parameter

Jupyter's notebooks outputs examples

Content example of file configured by output_path parameter

Each JSON in JSONL contain can contain special fields. A viewer can have special logic for handling these fields.

  • #display-timestamp - contain Unix time in nanoseconds. on example:
      "#display-timestamp": 1737048910123000000,
      "field": "value"
  • #display-name - short name of JSON Node. A viewer can show this value instead or together with full node content. example:
      "#display-name": "Root node",
      "field": "value",
      "sub-node": {
        "#display-name": "Sub node",
        "sub-field": "sub-value"
  • #display-table - table view of JSON Node. This value can cover the whole content of the Node or cover only part of data. example:
  "#display-table": [
    ["int", "float"],
    [19700, 19.700000000000003],
    [39400, 39.400000000000006]
  "results": 2,
  "array": [
      "name": "str_100_test",
      "int": 19700,
      "float": 19.700000000000003
      "name": "str_200_test",
      "int": 39400,
      "float": 39.400000000000006
{"#display-timestamp": 1737388741801564430, "#display-name": "2 - 2025-01-20 19:59:01.801564", "#display-table": [["int", "float"], ["45200", "45.2"], ["90400", "90.4"]], "results": 2, "array": [{"#display-name": "str_100_test:2024-07-01T05:06:59.664Z:False", "name": "str_100_test", "int": 45200, "float": 45.2, "flag": false, "custom_time": "2024-07-01T05:06:59.664Z"}, {"#display-name": "str_200_test:2024-07-01T05:06:59.665Z:True", "name": "str_200_test", "int": 90400, "float": 90.4, "flag": true, "custom_time": "2024-07-01T05:06:59.665Z"}]}
{"#display-timestamp": 1737388741801596018, "#display-name": "3 - 2025-01-20 19:59:01.801596", "#display-table": [["int", "float"], ["23800", "23.8"], ["47600", "47.6"]], "results": 2, "array": [{"#display-name": "str_100_test:2024-07-01T05:06:59.664Z:False", "name": "str_100_test", "int": 23800, "float": 23.8, "flag": false, "custom_time": "2024-07-01T05:06:59.664Z"}, {"#display-name": "str_200_test:2024-07-01T05:06:59.665Z:True", "name": "str_200_test", "int": 47600, "float": 47.6, "flag": true, "custom_time": "2024-07-01T05:06:59.665Z"}]}

Content example of file configured by customization_path parameter

This JSON should have list of pattern. Each pattern should have the fields:

  • pattern - text which should be highlighted
  • color - color for highlighting
    "pattern": "str_100_test",
    "color": "#3CD91F"
    "pattern": "str_200_test",
    "color": "#9356D5"

local run

run th2-rpt-viewer, th2-json-provider, jupyter-notebook are proxied by nginx

You can put required files for you jupyter notebooks into local-run/with-jupyter-notebook/user_data folder. Please note that this folder is read-only for containers.
Or you can mount own folder by changing value of USER_DATA_DIR environment variable in the local-run/with-jupyter-notebook/.evn file.
Or change the local-run/with-jupyter-notebook/compose.yml file. Please note you should mount the same dictionary by the same path to jupyter_notebook and json_stream_provider services.

provide permission for local-run/with-jupyter-notebook/user_data folder

jupyter-notebook and json-stream-provider use user from default linux users group. It means that:

  • user_data folder internal folder should have rwx permission for users group.
  • files in user_data folder should have rw permission for users group.

Perhaps you will need sudo permission for the next commands

cd local-run/with-jupyter-notebook
chgrp -R users user_data/
chmod -R g=u user_data/

start command

cd local-run/with-jupyter-notebook
docker compose up --build

clean command

cd local-run/with-jupyter-notebook
docker compose rm --force --volumes --stop
docker compose down --volumes
docker compose build

application URLs:

  • http://localhost - th2-rpt-viewer
  • http://localhost/jupyter - jupyter-notebook. You can authorise via token printed into jupyter_notebook logs:
    cd local-run/with-jupyter-notebook
    docker compose logs jupyter_notebook | grep 'jupyter/lab?token=' | tail -1 | cut -d '=' -f 2

Release notes:


  • j-sp generates cookies with engine_user_id field to identify user for creating unique python engine.
  • Custom engine holds separate papermill notebook client for each engine_user_id and file combination.
  • update local run with jupyter-notebook:
    • updated th2-rpt-viewer:
      • added pycode parameter type
      • added ability to save/load presets for notebooks
      • compare mode was changed to have ability to launch notebooks
      • added ability to move to nearest chunk in compare mode
      • added ability to off parameter in notebook


  • Added papermill custom engine to reuse it for notebook execution. A separate engine is registered for each notebook and unregistered after 1 hour out-of-use time by default.
  • update local run with jupyter-notebook:
    • updated th2-rpt-viewer:
      • JSON Reader page pulls execution status each 50 ms instead of 1 sec
      • JSON Reader page now uses virtuoso for rendering lists
      • JSON Reader page now has search, it's values could be loaded from json file containing array of objects containing pattern and color fields for searching content. Execution of notebook could create such file and it will be loaded into UI if it would be created in path of customization_path parameter.
      • Added ability to create multiple JSON Reader pages.
      • JSON Reader page now has compare mode.


  • added umask 0007 to ~/.bashrc file to provide rw file access for users group
  • added /file request for loading content of single jsonl file
  • removed ability to get any file from machine via /file REST APIs
  • added sorting on requests /files/notebooks and /files/results
  • added /files/all request to list all files in /notebooks and /results/ directories
  • added convert_parameter function for parsing parameter depending on it's type
  • update local run with jupyter-notebook:
    • updated th2-rpt-viewer:
      • added option to change default view type of result group
      • added display of #display-table field in Table view type
      • added option to view last N results of Notebook
      • added validation of Notebook's parameters
      • added timestamp and file path parameter types
      • fixed clearing of Notebook's parameters on run
      • increased width of parameters' inputs
    • updated compose:
      • changed use data access from ro to rw


  • added ${HOME}/python/lib into PYTHONPATH environment variable
  • update local run with jupyter-notebook:
    • updated jupyter-notebook Dockerfile:
      • used jupyter/datascience-notebook:python-3.9
      • defined PYTHONPATH, PIP_TARGET environment variables
    • updated compose:
      • added python_lib volume
  • added saving of current tasks
    • task contains status(success, failed, in progress) and id using which task can be stopped
  • added end-point /stop for stopping requested task
  • updated end-point /result it now requests task by id and returns file, reason for failed run or informs that task is 'in progress' depending on task status


  • Added json-stream user to users group
  • Added docker compose for local run