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A simple and experimental dynamodb data mapper.

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Missing features

  • Parallel scans
  • Paging
  • Complex querying
  • Number and binary sets
  • Local indexes


npm: npm install omanyd joi
yarn: yarn add omanyd joi

Both packages come with the necessary types so no need to download anything additional for typescript.

Getting Started

Set the AWS environment variables before running the program

node app.js

These will already by defined for you if you are running in ec2 or lambda.

To host on services like vercel you need to specify your own AWS environment variables but cannot set them using the standard names above. To do this you can specify them using an OMANYD_ prefix so they become:


For running locally we recommend using the official dynamodb docker container and then providing an additional environment variable to override the dynamodb url.


Define a Store

Stores are defined through define. You provide the table name, schema and hashKey definition. Stores are the accessors to underlying dymamodb table.

import Omanyd from "omanyd";
import Joi from "joi";

interface Tweet {
  id: string;
  content: string;
const TweetStore = Omanyd.define<Tweet>({
  name: "Tweet",
  hashKey: "id",
  schema: Joi.object({
    content: Joi.string(),

Create tables (for testing)

You can create tables for use locally during tests but should be managing this with a proper tool IaC for production.

This expects all stores defined using the define method above before use. It will skip creating a table if it already exists so this cannot be used for modifying a table definition.

import { createTables } from "omanyd";

await createTables();

Delete Tables (for testing)

You can delete tables for use locally during tests but should be managing this with a proper tool IaC for production.

This expects all stores defined using the define method above before use. It then clears all saved definitions so they can be redefined.

import { deleteTables } from "omanyd";

await deleteTables();

Clear Tables (for testing)

You can clear all existing data from known tables by deleting and then redefining the tables. This is a quick function for doing that for you.

import { clearTables } from "omanyd";

await clearTables();


Once you have defined your store you can create models from it and unless you provide an id then one will be created for you automatically as the was used in the definition above

const tweet = await TweetStore.create({ content: "My first tweet" });
 * { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", content: "My first tweet"  }

Reading one - getting by hash key

Now that we have some data in the store we can now read it. The quickest way is reading directly by the hash key.

const readTweet = await TweetStore.getByHashKey(
 * { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", content: "My first tweet"  }

Reading many - items with hash and range key

When an item has a hash and range key then this means you can have multiple items for the one hash key as their range keys are different. To retrieve all of the items for a hash key:

interface EditableTweet {
  id: string;
  version: number;
  content: string;
const EditableTweetStore = Omanyd.define<EditableTweet>({
  name: "Tweet",
  hashKey: "id",
  rangeKey: "version",
  schema: Joi.object({
    version: Joi.number(),
    content: Joi.string(),

await Promise.all([
    id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559",
    version: 1,
    content: "My tweet",
    id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559",
    version: 2,
    content: "My tweet edited",

const tweets = await EditableTweetStore.getAllByHashKey("id");
/* [
 *   { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", version: 1, content: "My tweet"  },
 *   { id: "aa6ea347-e3d3-4c73-8960-709fa47e3a4c", version: 2, content: "My tweet edited"  },
 * ]

Reading many - scanning

If we want all of the items in the store we can use a scan. DynamoDB scans come with some interesting caveats.

await Promise.all([
  TweetStore.create({ content: "My second tweet" }),
  TweetStore.create({ content: "My third tweet" }),
  TweetStore.create({ content: "My fourth tweet" }),

const tweets = await TweetStore.scan();

/* [
 *   { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", content: "My first tweet"  },
 *   { id: "aa6ea347-e3d3-4c73-8960-709fa47e3a4c", content: "My second tweet"  },
 *   { id: "9cd6b18a-eafd-49c2-8f0f-d3bf8e75c26e", content: "My third tweet"  },
 *   { id: "fc446fcd-d65a-4ae2-ba9f-6bd94aae8705", content: "My fourth tweet"  }
 * ]

Updating an item - putting

Now that we have saved and read an item lets update it with a new value.

const updatedTweet = await TweetStore.put({
  content: "I hope you are having a good day",

 * { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", content: "I hope you are having a good day"  }

Deleting an item

Now lets get rid of what we have created.

await TweetStore.deleteByHashKey("958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559");
const readTweet = await TweetStore.getByHashKey(
 * null

Advanced Features

Range keys

It is possible define a composite key for a model so you can have a repeating hash key. This is great for features like versioning. To do this you need to define this range key as part of the definition and then you have access to getByHashAndRangeKey.

import Omanyd from "omanyd";
import Joi from "joi";

interface Document {
  id: string;
  version: string;
  content: string;
const DocumentStore = Omanyd.define<User>({
  name: "Documents",
  hashKey: "id",
  schema: Joi.object({
    version: Joi.string().required(),
    email: Joi.string().required(),

// Assuming table has been created separately
const original = await DocumentStore.create({
  version: "1.0",
  content: "hello",
await DocumentStore.create({
  version: "2.0",
  content: "hello world",

const document = await DocumentStore.getByHashAndRangeKey(id, "2.0");
 * { id: "e148f2ca-e86d-4c5b-8826-2dbb101a3553", content: "hello world", version: "2.0"  }

Global indexes

It is possible to quickly access documents by keys other than their hash key. This is done through indexes.

Indexes should be created as a part of your table creation but need to be defined with Omanyd so they can be used at run time correctly.

Indexes must have a hash key but can also have a sort key.

import Omanyd from "omanyd";
import Joi from "joi";

interface User {
  id: string;
  email: string;
const UserStore = Omanyd.define<User>({
  name: "Users",
  hashKey: "id",
  schema: Joi.object({
    email: Joi.string().required(),
  indexes: [
      name: "EmailIndex",
      type: "global",
      hashKey: "email",

// Assuming table and index have been created separately

await UserStore.create({ email: "[email protected]" });

const user = await UserStore.getByIndex("EmailIndex", "[email protected]");
 * { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", email: ""  }


By default all objects saved with Omanyd get an additional key called _v. This holds the version number of the object so that we can automatically migrate it.

As a part of the options you can provide a field called versions which holds a list of schema and migration functions.

import Omanyd from "omanyd";
import Joi from "joi";

interface User {
  id: string;
  email: string;
const UserStore = Omanyd.define<UserV1>({
  name: "Users",
  hashKey: "id",
  schema: Joi.object({
    email: Joi.string().required(),

const user = await UserStore.create({ email: "[email protected]" });
 * { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", email: "" }

Time passes and we need to another version storing more data. We can update it as so:

interface UserV1 {
  id: string;
  email: string;
interface UserV2 {
  id: string;
  email: string;
  age: number;
const UserStore = Omanyd.define<UserV2>({
  name: "Users",
  hashKey: "id",
  schema: Joi.object({
    email: Joi.string().required(),
    age: Joi.string().required(),
  versions: [
      schema: Joi.object({
        email: Joi.string().required(),
      migrate: (userV1: UserV1): UserV2 => {
        return {
          age: 2,
// At this point we run the migration defined above. We only run migrations when necessary.
const user = await UserStore.getByHashKey(
 * { id: "958f2b51-774a-436a-951e-9834de3fe559", email: "", age: 2 }


Omanyd was originally inspired by dynamodb and dynamoose


Omanyd is provided as-is, free of charge. For support, you have a few choices: