A program I wrote to learn rust. It calulates fast fourier transforms using te package rustfft and plot the result using gnuplot or save the result to a file.
Make sure gnuplot is installed before running the program.
-p, --datapoints POINT
The number of points to be generated. Value must be
between 1 and 10e5
-i, --invert Reconstruct the original function by using the invert
-s, --silent Do not show the plot windows
-k, --keeptop KEEPTOP
Keep n top harmonics
-m, --keepmin KEEPMIN
Keep harmonics where the amplitude is larger than
-w, --write Write the result to the given file
--filename NAME Filename of the result file
-t, --wavetype WAVETYPE
Select a wave type: sine, block, triangle, sawtooth,
-d, --data DATA Data for the wave```