This repo contains (will contain) Chinese documentation for TestProf.
The docs will be available at the main documentation website.
We try to keep our documentation both correct and stylish using the following tools:
- mdl—Markdown linter, Ruby edition.
- liche—links linter.
- forspell—spelling checker.
- RuboCop with rubocop-md and standard—Ruby code snippets style checking.
To run these tools locally we use Lefthook (runs linters automatically for every commit).
To sum up:
- Install
gem install mdl
- Install
go get -u
- Install Hunspell and Forspell:
# for MacOS (for other OS see Forspell documentation)
brew install hunspell
gem install forspell
- Install StandardRB and
gem install standard
gem install rubocop-md
- Install
# for MacOS (for other OS see Lefthook documentation)
brew install lefthook
- Initialize
lefthook install
Or you can skip all of these and rely on our CI, which can do all the checks for you!