Use this terrafrom automation to set up satellite location on IBM cloud with azure host. It will provision satellite location and create 6 azure host and assign 3 host to control plane, and provision ROKS satellite cluster and auto assign 3 host to cluster, Configure cluster worker pool to an existing ROKS satellite cluster.
This is a collection of modules that make it easier to provision a satellite on IBM Cloud.
- satellite-location
- satellite-assign-host
- satellite-cluster
- satellite-cluster-worker-pool
IBM Cloud® Satellite helps you deploy and run applications consistently across all on-premises, edge computing and public cloud environments from any cloud vendor. It standardizes a core set of Kubernetes, data, AI and security services to be centrally managed as a service by IBM Cloud, with full visibility across all environments through a single pane of glass. The result is greater developer productivity and development velocity.
- Create satellite location.
- Create 6 azure host with RHEL 7-LVM.
- Assign the 3 hosts to the location control plane.
- Conditional creation:
- Create a Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster and assign the 3 hosts to the cluster, so that you can run OpenShift workloads in your location.
- Configure a worker pool to an existing OpenShift Cluster.
![]() |
This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.13 or later.
- Terraform 0.13 or later.
- terraform-provider-ibm
Be sure you have the correct Terraform version ( 0.13 or later), you can choose the binary here:
Be sure you have the compiled plugins on $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform destroy
module "satellite-azure" {
source = "git::[email protected]:terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-satellite-azure.git"
################# IBM cloud & Azure cloud variables #######################
ibm_resource_group = var.ibm_resource_group
az_resource_group = var.az_resource_group
is_az_resource_group_exist = var.is_az_resource_group_exist
az_region = var.az_region
az_resource_prefix = var.az_resource_prefix
################# Satellite location resource variables #######################
is_location_exist = var.is_location_exist
location = var.location
managed_from = var.managed_from
location_zones = var.location_zones
location_bucket = var.location_bucket
host_labels = var.host_labels
satellite_host_count = var.satellite_host_count
addl_host_count = var.addl_host_count
################# Satellite Cluster resource variables #######################
create_cluster = var.create_cluster
cluster = var.cluster
cluster_host_labels = var.cluster_host_labels
create_cluster_worker_pool = var.create_cluster_worker_pool
worker_pool_name = var.worker_pool_name
worker_pool_host_labels = var.worker_pool_host_labels
create_timeout = var.create_timeout
update_timeout = var.update_timeout
delete_timeout = var.delete_timeout
module creates new location or use existing location ID/name to process. If user pass the location which is already exist, satellite-location module will error out and exit the module. In such cases user has to setis_location_exist
value to true. So that module will use existing location for processing.satellite-location
module download attach host script to the $HOME directory and appends respective permissions to the script.satellite-location
module will update the attach host script and will be used in thecustom_data
attribute ofazurerm_linux_virtual_machine
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
ibm_resource_group | Resource Group Name that has to be targeted. | string | n/a | yes |
is_az_resource_group_exist | "If false, resource group (az_resource_group) will be created. If true, existing resource group (az_resource_group) will be read" | bool | false | no |
az_resource_group | Azure Resource Group | string | satellite-azure | no |
az_region | Azure Region | string | eastus | yes |
location | Name of the Location that has to be created | string | n/a | satellite-azure |
is_location_exist | Determines if the location has to be created or not | bool | false | no |
managed_from | The IBM Cloud region to manage your Satellite location from. | string | wdc | no |
location_zones | Allocate your hosts across three zones for higher availablity | list | [] | no |
host_labels | Add labels to attach host script | list | [env:prod] | no |
location_bucket | COS bucket name | string | n/a | no |
host_count | The total number of host to create for control plane. host_count value should always be in multiples of 3, such as 3, 6, 9, or 12 hosts | number | 3 | yes |
addl_host_count | The total number of additional host | number | 3 | no |
az_source_address_prefix | Azure security group source address prefix | list(string) | [*] | no |
az_security_custom_rules | Azure security group custom rules | list(object) | n/a | no |
azure_vnet_address_space | Azure vNet address space | list(string) | [""] | no |
azure_vnet_subnet_prefixes | Azure vNet subnet prefixes | list(string) | ["", "", ""] | no |
az_cp_vm_os_disk | Azure control plane vm os disk | object | n/a | no |
az_cp_vm_source_image_reference | Azure control plane vm source image reference | object | n/a | no |
az_cluster_vm_os_disk | Azure cluster vm os disk | object | n/a | no |
az_cluster_vm_source_image_reference | Azure cluser vm source image reference | object | n/a | no |
resource_prefix | Prefix to the Names of all VSI Resources | string | satellite-azure | no |
public_key | Public SSH key used to provision Host/VSI | string | n/a | no |
location_instance_type | Profile information of location hosts | string | Standard_D4s_v3 | no |
cluster_instance_type | Profile information of cluster hosts | string | Standard_D4s_v3 | no |
cluster | Name of the ROKS Cluster that has to be created | string | n/a | yes |
cluster_zones | Allocate your hosts across these three zones | set | n/a | yes |
kube_version | Kuber version | string | n/a | yes |
default_wp_labels | Labels on the default worker pool | map | n/a | no |
workerpool_labels | Labels on the worker pool | map | n/a | no |
cluster_tags | List of tags for the cluster resource | list | n/a | no |
create_cluster_worker_pool | Create Cluster worker pool | bool | false | no |
worker_pool_name | Worker pool name | string | satellite-worker-pool | no |
workerpool_labels | Labels on the worker pool | map | n/a | no |
create_timeout | Timeout duration for creation | string | n/a | no |
update_timeout | Timeout duration for updation | string | n/a | no |
delete_timeout | Timeout duration for deletion | string | n/a | no |
Name | Description |
location_id | Location id |
host_script | Host registartion script content |
network_security_group_id | Network security group Id |
network_security_group_name | Network security group name |
floating_ip_addresses | Floating IP Addresses |
vnet_id | The Id of the newly created vNet |
vnet_name | The Name of the newly created vNet |
control_plane_private_ips | The Primary Private IP Address assigned to control plane VMs |
control_plane_public_ips | The Primary Public IP Address assigned to control plane VMs |
cluster_private_ips | The Primary Private IP Address assigned to cluster VMs |
cluster_public_ips | The Primary Public IP Address assigned to cluster VMs |
cluster_worker_pool_id | Cluster worker pool id |
worker_pool_worker_count | worker count deatails |
worker_pool_zones | workerpool zones |
Run the following command to execute the pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml
pre-commit run -a
We can install pre-coomit tool using
pip install pre-commit
To review the plan for the configuration defined (no resources actually provisioned)
terraform plan -var-file=./input.tfvars
To execute and start building the configuration defined in the plan (provisions resources)
terraform apply -var-file=./input.tfvars
To destroy the VPC and all related resources
terraform destroy -var-file=./input.tfvars
All optional parameters by default will be set to null in respective example's file. If user wants to configure any optional paramter he has overwrite the default value.