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@terraform-ibm-modules-ops terraform-ibm-modules-ops released this 18 Dec 13:17
· 21 commits to main since this release

3.1.0 (2024-12-18)


  • Root module updates:
    • existing_kms_instance_guid is no longer a supported input. The code will now parse the GUID from the KMS key CRN
    • added new input use_same_kms_key_for_backups to give more control over KMS key usage
    • kms_encryption_enabled has been renamed to use_ibm_owned_encryption_key
  • fscloud submodule updates:
    • added new inputs use_default_backup_encryption_key and use_same_kms_key_for_backups
  • DA updates
    • Removed the input existing_backup_kms_instance_crn. If you want to use a different KMS key for backups, you can use the existing_backup_kms_key_crn input to use an existing key. The DA only supports creating an new key that will be used for both data and backups encryption.
    • The skip_iam_authorization_policy input has been renamed to skip_es_kms_auth_policy
    • If passing a value for ibmcloud_kms_api_key, and creating a KMS auth policy, that policy will now be scoped to the exact KMS key.

(#351) (e7598e2)