Use: which is maintained by cLabs team and is now receiving updates on a more regular basis
Ganache-cli setup with core Celo contracts for local testing and development.
> npm install --save-dev @terminal-fi/celo-devchain
> npx celo-devchain --port 7545
# Run sanity tests and print all core contract addresses:
> npx @terminal-fi/celo-devchain --test
NOTE: @celo/ganache-cli should work with Node 14 version. It might work with Node 10 and 12 too.
NOTE: @celo/ganache-cli currently doesn't support locally signed transactions. If you send
a locally signed transaction it will throw: Error: Number can only safely store up to 53 bits
error and crash. Thus you have to make sure your ContractKit doesn't actually have the private
keys for test addresses and send transactions to be signed by ganache-cli itself.
Example code that uses this package:
Chain data in ./chains
folder is generated using steps described here:
# Start with a fresh checkout to avoid build complications.
> git clone
> git fetch --all --tags
> git tag -l core-contracts*
> git checkout tags/core-contracts-{version}
# Yarn commands can take a while to run.
> yarn
> yarn build
> cd packages/protocol
# NOTE: Following command is found in: sdk/contractkit/package.json, at some point the desired --upto flag can change
# based on changes in core-contracts, thus you might have to adjust it too, depending on which version of core-contracts
# you are attempting to build.
> yarn devchain generate-tar .tmp/devchain.tar.gz --migration_override ../dev-utils/src/migration-override.json --upto 27
You can also use celo-devchain
with custom generated chain data:
> npx celo-devchain --file <path to custom chain data>