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Boundary conditions
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mwallerb committed Jan 16, 2025
1 parent 6b02f08 commit d4bcb30
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 15 deletions.
50 changes: 35 additions & 15 deletions src/affine.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
Boundary conditions for the QTT to use. Use `OpenBoundaryCondtions`` for open
boundaries and `PeriodicBoundaryConditions` for periodic ones.
abstract type AbstractBoundaryConditions end

struct PeriodicBoundaryConditions <: AbstractBoundaryConditions

@inline function divide(x, s, bc::PeriodicBoundaryConditions)
mask = ~(~0 << bc.R)
inv_s = invmod_pow2(s, bc.R)
return (x * inv_s) .& mask

struct OpenBoundaryConditions <: AbstractBoundaryConditions end

divide(x, s, ::OpenBoundaryConditions) = iszero(x .% s) ? x s : nothing

affine_transform_mpo(y, x, A, b)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +193,7 @@ function affine_transform_core(

affine_transform_matrix(R, A, b; periodic=true)
affine_transform_matrix(R, A, b, [boundary])
Compute full transformation matrix for the affine transformation `y = A*x + b`,
where `y` is a `M`-vector and `x` is `N`-vector, and each component is in
Expand All @@ -184,42 +207,39 @@ mapped to `x` and `y` as follows:
iy = 1 + y[1] + y[2] * 2^R + y[3] * 2^(2R) + ... + y[M] * 2^((M-1)*R)
ix = 1 + x[1] + x[2] * 2^R + x[3] * 2^(2R) + ... + x[N] * 2^((N-1)*R)
If `periodic` is true, then periodic boundary conditions, `y[i] + 2^R = y[i]`,
are used.
`boundary` specifies the type of boundary conditions.
function affine_transform_matrix(
R::Integer, A::AbstractMatrix{<:Union{Integer,Rational}},
b::AbstractVector{<:Union{Integer,Rational}}; periodic::Bool=true
return affine_transform_matrix(Int(R), _affine_static_args(A, b)..., periodic)
return affine_transform_matrix(Int(R), _affine_static_args(A, b)..., boundary)

function affine_transform_matrix(
R::Int, A::SMatrix{M, N, Int}, b::SVector{M, Int},
s::Int, periodic::Bool) where {M, N}
s::Int, boundary::AbstractBoundaryConditions) where {M, N}
# Checks
0 <= R ||
throw(DomainError(R, "invalid value of the length R"))
isodd(s) ||
throw(DomainError(s, "right now we only support odd s"))

mask = ~(~0 << R)
inv_s = invmod_pow2(s, R)
y_index = Int[]
x_index = Int[]

for (ix, x) in enumerate(Iterators.product(ntuple(_ -> 0:mask, N)...))
v = A * SVector{N, Int}(x) + b
if periodic
v *= inv_s
y = v .& mask
y = divide(v, s, boundary)
if isnothing(y)
iszero(v .% s) || continue
y = v s
iy = digits_to_number(y, R) + 1
push!(y_index, iy)
push!(x_index, ix)
iy = digits_to_number(y, R) + 1
push!(y_index, iy)
push!(x_index, ix)
values = ones(Bool, size(x_index))
return sparse(y_index, x_index, values, 1 << (R*M), 1 << (R*N))
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