This tutorial teaches you some of the basic concepts in Vaadin Framework. It is meant to be a fast read for learning how to get started - not an example on how application should be designed.
The fork you are currently looking at is modified to work as a demonstration of defining the user interface in a declarative fashion. To achieve this we are using the Clara add-on.
mvn jetty:run
Make sure you have "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" and Maven integration "m2e-wtp" installed. You will get Eclipse from and plugins through Help -> Eclipse Marketplace... menu
To checkout and run the project from Eclipse, do:
- File -> Import...
- Check out Maven Projects from CMS
- Choose Git from SCM menu and set URL to git://
- Now you should have checked out the project
- To run it, choose Run As -> Run on Server
- Start experimenting
Note that if you are missing EGit plugin, "Maven SCM Handler for EGit" or a local server to run the address book on, you will be asked to install these while doing the above.