This small program convert some image formats to ASCII representation and print it to the terminal in raw format
git clone --recursive
Firstly, you should build OpenCV lib:
$ cd contrib/
$ rm -rf build
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -G Ninja
$ ninja opencv_imgcodecs
On the second stage, build the program:
$ cd path_to_img2ascii
$ rm -rf build
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -G Ninja
$ ninja img2ascii
$ ./img2ascii <path_to_image> [OPTIONS]
Initially it runs with scale factor=1, but you can change it, by adding -r parameter in command
$ ./img2ascii <path_to_image> -r 0.3
Also, you can turn on colored output by adding -c key
$ ./img2ascii <path_to_image> -r 0.3 -c