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Atrament Web UI

atrament-web-ui is a web application to run Ink games.

It uses inkjs to interpret Ink scripts, Atrament as a game engine, and Preact as a Web UI framework.

Live Demo

Getting started

Get source code and install dependencies

git clone --depth 1
cd atrament-web-ui
npm install
npm run install-inklecate

Run application locally in dev mode

npm start

The application is available at http://localhost:8900. If any source file (Ink or Javascript) is edited, the application automatically restarts with these changes.

Build application for publishing to web

npm run build

The standalone web application files will be in build folder. Use npm run preview command to test it in browser at http://localhost:4173/.

Create your own game with Atrament Web UI

  1. Remove all files from root/game and put your game files there (ink script, images, music etc).
  2. Edit atrament.config.json, change the source parameter in game section to name of your main Ink file. File path for this file is relative to root/game folder.
  3. You may change other configuration options in atrament.config.json:
    • "name": your application name
    • "short_name": your application short name, or codename
    • "description": your application description
    • "theme": default app theme, may be "light", "sepia", or "dark"
    • "font": default game font, may be "System", "Sans Serif", "Serif", "Monospaced", "Fira Sans", "Lora", "Merriweather", or "OpenDyslexic"
  4. (optionally) replace root/logo.png with your project logo. This image is used to generate favicon and application icon.
  5. That's it! You can make a test run with npm start, or build standalone web app with npm run build.

Ink tags handled by Atrament Web UI

Global tags

Tag Description
# title: A Story Written In Ink Game title
# author: John Doe Author
# theme: light Game color theme: light, sepia, or dark
# font: System Game font: System, Sans Serif, Serif, Monospaced, Fira Sans, Lora, Merriweather, or OpenDyslexic
# observe: varName Register variable observer for varName Ink variable. Variable value is available in vars section of Atrament state.
# persist: varName Save varName Ink variable value to persistent storage, restore before game starts.
# sessions: 3 Amount of game sessions. Each session has its own set of saves.
# autosave: false Disables autosaves.
# saves: 5 Amount of available slots for saves.
# load_from_checkpoints Show checkpoints in the list of games to load.
# continue_maximally: false Pause story after each line.
# single_scene Store only last scene in Atrament state.
# scenes_align: center Scene alignment on the screen. Can be set to top, center, or bottom.
# hypertext Use links instead of choices. See "Hypertext mode".
# toolbar: toolbar_function Use output of this function as a toolbar content.
# about: about_function Use output of this function as an "About" screen content.
# cover: some/image.jpg Cover image to display at the main menu screen
# background: some/picture.jpg Set background image for the game backdrop.
# debug Enable Ink story debugger.

Knot tags

Tag Description
# IMAGE: some/picture.jpg Show image before paragraph text.
# BACKGROUND: some/picture.jpg Set background image for the game text. Use # BACKGROUND: false to unset it.
# PAGE_BACKGROUND: some/picture.jpg Set background image for the game backdrop. Use # PAGE_BACKGROUND: false to unset it.
# CLEAR Clear scenes list before saving current scene to Atrament state.
# AUDIO: sound.mp3 Play sound (once).
# AUDIOLOOP: music.mp3 Play background music (looped). There can be only one background music track.
# AUDIOLOOP: false Stop playing music.
# PLAY_SOUND: sound.mp3 Play sound (once).
# STOP_SOUND: sound.mp3 Stop playing specific sound.
# STOP_SOUND Stop playing all sounds.
# PLAY_MUSIC: music.mp3 Play background music (looped). There can be multiple background music tracks, played simultaneously.
# STOP_MUSIC: music.mp3 Stop playing specific background music.
# STOP_MUSIC Stop playing all background music.
# CHECKPOINT Save game to 'default' checkpoint.
# CHECKPOINT: checkpointName Save game to checkpoint checkpointName.
# SAVEGAME: saveslot Save game to saveslot.
# RESTART Start game from beginning.
# RESTART_FROM_CHECKPOINT Restart game from latest checkpoint.
# RESTART_FROM_CHECKPOINT: checkpointName Restart game from named checkpoint.
# CLASS: classname Apply CSS class to the paragraph <p> element.
# SHUFFLE_CHOICES Shuffle choice order in this knot.

Note: For sound effects, please use either AUDIO/AUDIOLOOP or PLAY_SOUND/PLAY_MUSIC/STOP_SOUND/STOP_MUSIC tags. Combining them may lead to unexpected side effects.

Choice tags

Tag Description
# UNCLICKABLE The choice can't be selected. Alternative names: #DISABLED, #INACTIVE
# CLASS: classname Apply CSS class to the choice <button> element.

Save management

Atrament Web UI supports the following save types:

  1. Autosave. By default, game saves its progress after each choice. If autosave is present for the game, player can continue playing by clicking "Continue" in the main menu. When global tag autosave: false is present, autosaving is disabled. If autosaving is disabled and there are no saved checkpoints, "Continue" button will not be available.
  2. Checkpoints. They are controlled by knot tags #CHECKPOINT and #RESTART_FROM_CHECKPOINT. Authors can use named checkpoints, adding names to these tags. If there are no autosave, players can continue playing from latest saved checkpoint by clicking "Continue" in the main menu.
  3. Saves. They are disabled by default. Authors can set global tag #saves to define amount of available save slots. Players can save and load games using the slots provided. If global tag #load_from_checkpoints is set, players can also load game from any saved checkpoint.

In addition to above, Atrament Web UI supports sessions, which can be enabled by global tag #sessions. If they are enabled, players have to choose game session before starting a game. Each session has its own autosaves, checkpoints, and saves.

"Click to continue"

When there is a single choice, which is either empty or '>>>' (see example below), it is treated as "click to continue". Choice list is not shown, and player can continue story by clicking the screen or pressing "Space" or "Enter" key. After 3 seconds of inactivity, hint is displayed in the bottom of the screen.

This story will proceed when user clicks screen.

+ [ ] -> next_knot

If you playtest your game with Inky, this notation is preferred:

This story will proceed when user clicks screen.

+ [>>>] -> next_knot

Hypertext mode

When global tag hypertext is set, Atrament UI switches to hypertext mode. In this mode choice options are not displayed. However, author can use [link=target choice text]link text[/link] to link specific phrases to scene choices.

For better use experience in hypertext mode authors can set global tags single_scene and scenes_align: top.

# hypertext
# single_scene
# scenes_align: top

You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded [link=Open door]front door[/link]. There is a [link=Examine mailbox]small mailbox[/link] here.

+ [Examine mailbox] -> examine_mailbox
+ [Open door] -> inside_house

Custom markup

Markup Description
[picture]path/to/image.jpg[/picture] Display image (same as #IMAGE knot tag). The image is sized automatically to fit the container. When using images inside of [block] tags, you may want to set picture margins.
width=50% sets picture width.
leftmargin=0.5em sets left margin.
rightmargin=0.5em sets right margin.
[img]path/to/image.jpg[/img] Display inline image.
[button onclick=function]Text[/button]
Display button, call a function when clicked. If function outputs a text, it will be displayed as a new overlay content. If not, existing overlay content will be updated.
onclick=function function to be called when clicked.
disabled=true disables the button
bordered=false hide button borders
[link=target choice text]Text[/link] Creates a link. When clicked, the target choice is activated, and game continues.
[progress value={variable}]Inner text[/progress] Displays progress bar.
value=x current progressbar value
min=x minimal progressbar value
max=x maximal progressbar value
style=accent highlight progressbar with accent theme color
[input var=variable] Input element, sets value of given variable. Default value of this field is read from the same variable. Disabled on inactive scenes.
var=n variable name to change
type=number input type. Possible values: text, number.
placeholder=text placeholder text
[spoiler]text[/spoiler] Hidden text. Clicking it toggles text visibility.
[info]text[/info] Display text as an information block. Since this is a block element, it is recommended to use it on a whole paragraph.
font=system use system font
side=n add color to the left infobox side. Possible values: highlight, accent.
[banner]text[/banner] Display text as an banner block. Since this is a block element, it is recommended to use it on a whole paragraph.
style=accent use accent color
allcaps=true display text in all capitals
[font=Courier New]text[/font] Applies font to the text.
[highlight color=yellow bgcolor=black]Text[/highlight]
Highlights text with accent color.
Optional parameters bgcolor and color allow to set both background and foreground color for text.
[block]text[/block] Defines a text block.

width=value block width. Can be defined in percents (recommended) or other CSS units.
align=left aligns text horizontally in the block. Possible values: left, center, right
valign=top aligns text vertically in the block. Possible values: top, bottom
[video]path/to/video.mp4[/video] Display video.
loop=false disable video loop.
muted=true play video muted
[url=https:\/\/]link text[/url] Creates a link to an web resource. When clicked, the resource is opened in a new browser tab. Note: you have to escape "/" symbols in the URL, as shown in the example.

Note: it is not possible to wrap multiple paragraphs with these tags. Use <br> tag for line breaks if you need multiline text in tags.


Atrament Web UI can display custom data (inventory, character stats etc.) as an overlay.

To display an overlay, you need to define a button in the toolbar or in the game content with the [button] tag. If the function returns text content, it will be displayed as an overlay. Overlay content can have buttons too.

If the first line of the function is a [title]Overlay Title[/title] tag, this title will be displayed in the toolbar.

Example of toolbar and overlays:

# toolbar: game_toolbar


=== function game_toolbar()

=== function inventory()
  You are carrying:

=== function stats()
  [title]Character: {character_name}[/title]
  Health: {health}

"About" screen

You may add an "About" screen to your game wuth #about global tag. When it is set, UI shows "About" button on the main game page. Clicking on it will display content from the function in the Ink file - see example:

# about: game_about


=== function game_about()
  <h1>Game Title</h1>
  "About" screen content

Keyboard shortcuts

Key Description
1,2,3... Select corresponding choice option.
Space, Enter Continue story.
Esc Show/hide settings dialog.


To add a theme to the application, create a json file in the resources/themes with the following structure:

  "name": "custom",
  "theme": {
    "bg-color": "#FCFCFC",
    "fg-color": "#5D576B",
    "shade-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
    "font-color": "#333333",
    "accent-bg-color": "#FCFCFC",
    "accent-fg-color": "#F7567C",
    "border-radius": "0.5rem",
    "border-radius-inline": "0.25rem"
Theme parameter Description
name Theme display name.
bg-color App background color.
fg-color Primary color for controls.
shade-color Shadows and highlights.
font-color App and game text color.
accent-bg-color Background for accented elements.
accent-fg-color Foreground for accented elements.
border-radius Round the corners of choices, modals, and boxes.
border-radius-inline Round the corners of inline buttons.

Note: You can use any valid CSS values for the theme.


To add a font to the application, create a folder in the resources/fonts with the following files:

  • index.js with the following content:
export default {
  name: 'Font Name',
  fallback: 'sans-serif', // fallback font
  • index.css, which includes corresponding @font-face directives
  • font files, referenced in the index.css

To remove fonts from the application, delete the font folder from resources/fonts.

Please note: single file build (explained below) uses system fonts only.

Custom CSS styles and classes

To add custom CSS classes or modify styles of existing elements, edit resources/styles/custom.css file. It contains a list of modifiable element classes for reference.

Single file build

Atrament Web UI build is designed as web application for web server deployment. However, you may want to build your game as a standalone web page, which can be opened locally too - similar to Inky or Twine web export.

All you need to do is to build your game with npm run singlefile command. The resulting web page will be in the build_singlefile folder.

Zipped game content

Atrament UI supports zipped game content, when whole game is loaded into browser as a single zip file. The advantage of this mode is instant asset loading at the cost of increased startup time.

To enable this, edit atrament.config.json and add zip option to it with the name of zip file:

  "game": {
    "path": "game",
    "source": "",
    "zip": ""

Please note: this option is ignored for development and single file builds.


When #debug global tag is set, debugger can be invoked with pressing debugger button on the screen or double pressing of ~ button.

Debugger provides the following functionality:

  • General information on ink script
  • List of global tags
  • List of ink variables (view and edit)
  • List of visit counts
  • Navigation to knot/stich path

Atrament repositories

See also Atrament core documentation for additional info on Atrament API.


Atrament is distributed under MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2023 Serhii "techniX" Mozhaiskyi

Made with the support of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation