Releases: teamclairvoyant/restonomer
What's Changed
Implemented Restonomer Persistence: Redshift
Implemented Restonomer Transformation - ReplaceNullsWithDefaultValue
Implemented Restonomer Transformation - FilterByRegex
Added support for handling Gunzipped text response from API and parse it to dataframe
Added provision to supply spark configs at a checkpoint level
What's Changed
Added support to use token value from the Token Request to headers in the Data Request
Added support to parse HTML Table response format from API response
Added Restonomer Transformation: Concat Columns
Added Restonomer Transformation: Coalesce Columns
Added Restonomer Transformation: Replace String In Column Name
Added provision to pass schema to the Convert JSON String To Struct transformation
Added Restonomer Pagination: Next Page URL Based Pagination
Added Restonomer Persistence: BigQuery
What's Changed
Integrated data-scalaxy-reader
Integrated data-scalaxy-transformer
Integrated data-scalaxy-writer
Integrated data-scalaxy-test-util
Integrated scala-steward
Integrated scalafix
Integrated wartremover
flag to transformations: AddColumn and AddColumnWithExpression -
Added Restonomer Transformation: ConvertArrayOfStructToArrayOfJSONString
Added Restonomer Transformation: ConvertJSONStringToStruct
Added Restonomer Transformation: SelectColumnsWithExpressions
Created brand new restonomer website using Docusaurus
Restonomer v2.2.0 Release
What's Changed
Added support for providing JSON body type to the request
Improved CastColumns transformation to cast columns to Date type with the custom date format
Improved CastColumns transformation to cast columns to Timestamp type with the custom timestamp format
Added Restonomer Transformation - CastFromToDataTypes
Added Restonomer Transformation - ReplaceEmptyStringsWithNulls
Added Restonomer Transformation - ChangeColumnCase
Added Restonomer Persistence - GCSBucket
Added main class to the framework so that restonomer can be used as a standalone application using fat jar
Added support for loading the restonomer context directory from the GCS Bucket
Restonomer v2.1.0 Release
What's Changed
- Added support to provide form data to the request object
- Added 'scope' parameter in ClientCredentials grant type under OAuth2Authentication
- Implemented Restonomer Transformation - AddColumn
- Implemented Restonomer Pagination - PageNumberWithTotalPagesBasedPagination
- Implemented Restonomer Pagination - CursorBasedPagination
- Implemented Restonomer Pagination - OffsetBasedPagination
Restonomer v2.0 Release
What's Changed
- Implemented Restonomer Authentication - OAuth2Authentication
- Implemented Restonomer Authentication - AwsSignatureAuthentication
- Implemented Restonomer Transformation - FilterRecords
- Implemented Restonomer Transformation - SplitColumn
- Implemented Restonomer Transformation - CastColumnsBasedOnPrefix
- Implemented Restonomer Transformation - CastColumnsBasedOnSuffix
- Implemented Restonomer Transformation - CastColumnsBasedOnSubstring
- Implemented Restonomer Persistence - S3Bucket
- Replaced PureConfig with ZioConfig
- Migrated from Scala2 to Scala3
Restonomer v1.0 Release
Improved csv and json readers