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Instructions for setting up robot projects and configuring them to have Team 20's specific settings

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How to set up a new robot project

Instructions also exist at If you get stuck, refer to the linked WPILib documentation.

Making the project

  1. Open up the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P)
  2. Search up WPILib: Create a new project and hit it.
  3. Select the template project type, use Java, then select Command Robot Skeleton (Advanced).
  4. Choose a folder to place your project in.
  5. Choose a project name.
  6. Put in your team number (20).
  7. Check the Enable Desktop Support checkbox.
  8. Click Generate Project.
  9. Open the folder and trust all the authors.

Modifying the project to fit our needs

Copy the eclipse-formatter.xml file in the repo into your robot project. This file describes how the code should be formatted.

Next you'll setup code formatting in Gradle. Instructions for setup exist at, but this will also have instructions for convenience.

Go to build.gradle and copy and add spotless as a plugin by adding id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '7.0.2' to the plugins block. The version will change over time, you can look at for the latest version. The start of your build.gradle file should look like this (versions will be different):

plugins {
   	id "java"
   	id "edu.wpi.first.GradleRIO" version "2025.1.1"
   	id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '7.0.2'

Paste in this spotless block after the plugins block to configure spotless to format your code:

spotless {
    java {
        target fileTree('.') {
            include '**/*.java'
            exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'
    groovyGradle {
        target fileTree('.') {
            include '**/*.gradle'
            exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'

After that, run the spotlessApply Gradle task to format everything. You can do this by opening up the Command Palette and using WPILib: Run a command in Gradle and inputting spotlessApply.

Go to settings.json and paste this section in before the last curly brace (you'll need to put a comma on the line right before you paste this in):

	"C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle": "{BasedOnStyle: Google, ColumnLimit: 0, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, UseTab: ForIndentation}",
	"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
		"source.organizeImports": "explicit"
	"editor.formatOnSave": true,
	"editor.detectIndentation": false,
	"editor.insertSpaces": false,
	"java.format.settings.url": "eclipse-formatter.xml",
	"java.sources.organizeImports.staticStarThreshold": 1

Also, add in "edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Commands.*" to the list under java.completion.favoriteStaticMembers. This will automatically cause inline command factory methods from the Commands class to show up in autocomplete without having to statically import them first. Subsystem inline command factory methods will still be prioritized, so you don't need to worry about selecting the wrong one.

The modifications to settings.json enable code to be formatted on save and for imports to be organized and automatically handled for you. Your settings.json should look similar to this (it's fine if there's a few differences in the part that already existed, since that's WPILib's part):

	"java.configuration.updateBuildConfiguration": "automatic",
	"java.server.launchMode": "Standard",
	"files.exclude": {
		"**/.git": true,
		"**/.svn": true,
		"**/.hg": true,
		"**/CVS": true,
		"**/.DS_Store": true,
		"bin/": true,
		"**/.classpath": true,
		"**/.project": true,
		"**/.settings": true,
		"**/.factorypath": true,
		"**/*~": true
	"java.test.config": [
			"name": "WPIlibUnitTests",
			"workingDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/build/jni/release",
			"vmargs": [
			"env": {
				"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "${workspaceFolder}/build/jni/release",
				"DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH": "${workspaceFolder}/build/jni/release"
	"java.test.defaultConfig": "WPIlibUnitTests",
	"java.import.gradle.annotationProcessing.enabled": false,
	"java.completion.favoriteStaticMembers": [
	"java.completion.filteredTypes": [
	"C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle": "{BasedOnStyle: Google, ColumnLimit: 0, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, UseTab: ForIndentation}",
	"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
		"source.organizeImports": "explicit"
	"editor.formatOnSave": true,
	"editor.detectIndentation": false,
	"editor.insertSpaces": false,
	"java.format.settings.url": "eclipse-formatter.xml",
	"java.sources.organizeImports.staticStarThreshold": 1

Copy the build.yml file in this repo to the .github/workflows directory. The path to the file should be .github/workflows/build.yml. This enables CI checks to be run on the repository, which is important to ensure that the code builds and is formatted properly. Once you publish the robot code repo, make sure you go to the Actions tab and enable workflows so they actually run.

The repo should now be ready for others to start using.

Making the git repo and publishing to GitHub

There are multiple ways of doing this. The easiest way to do this is with the git CLI. Pull up a terminal and ensure you're in the robot project's folder. The easiest way to do this is to hit Ctrl + Shift + `. Then, type in git init -b main. This will create the git repo with a branch called main. You can now use GitHub Desktop or VS Code to commit all the files.

You can now publish the repo to GitHub. There are multiple ways of doing this. One way is to use the web interface by clicking the green New button on the team on Team 20's GitHub page which will lead you here; then you can give the repo a name, make sure the repo is public so we don't have to pay for CI, and click Create repository. You should be able to follow the instructions for pushing an existing repo from the command line. Those instructions will add the GitHub repo as the remote repo (somewhere you can push commits to) and then push your changes to the GitHub repo. Just make sure the last part of the git push command is your branch name (should be main). git push -u origin main will push a branch called main to the remote repo called origin (the GitHub repo). -u will link the branch on GitHub to your local branch so changes can be synchronized to your local repo and back to GitHub.

Configuring the GitHub repo

Make sure you go to the Actions tab and enable workflows so they actually run and our code gets checked.

Turn on branch protection to prevent pushing to the main branch. You can do this by going into the Settings tab of the robot code repo, clicking on Branches, clicking the Add rule button, typing in main for the Branch name pattern, and checking the following checkboxes: Require a pull request before merging, Require status checks to pass before merging, and Do not allow bypassing the above settings. This ensures no one can push to main, not even admins.


Instructions for setting up robot projects and configuring them to have Team 20's specific settings



