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Hossein Shemshadi committed Mar 16, 2021
1 parent a52e76e commit 3afe8b8
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Showing 250 changed files with 18,504 additions and 1,657 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions

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2,275 changes: 2,086 additions & 189 deletions api/openapi.yaml

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**billingGroupId** | [**UUID**]( | Use this field to set the Billing Group ID for the call. Must be a valid and existing Billing Group ID. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | Use this field to add state to every subsequent webhook. It must be a valid Base-64 encoded string. | [optional]
**commandId** | **String** | Use this field to avoid duplicate commands. Telnyx will ignore commands with the same `command_id`. | [optional]
**webhookUrl** | **String** | Use this field to override the URL for which Telnyx will send subsuqeunt webhooks to for this call. | [optional]
**webhookUrl** | **String** | Use this field to override the URL for which Telnyx will send subsequent webhooks to for this call. | [optional]
**webhookUrlMethod** | [**WebhookUrlMethodEnum**](#WebhookUrlMethodEnum) | HTTP request type used for `webhook_url`. | [optional]

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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
[**callReject**]( | **POST** /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/reject | Reject a call
[**callSendDTMF**]( | **POST** /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/send_dtmf | Send DTMF
[**callSpeak**]( | **POST** /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/speak | Speak text
[**callTranscriptionStart**]( | **POST** /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/transcription_start | Transcription start
[**callTranscriptionStop**]( | **POST** /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/transcription_stop | Transcription stop
[**callTransfer**]( | **POST** /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/transfer | Transfer call

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1605,6 +1607,152 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **0** | Unexpected error | - |

## callTranscriptionStart

> CallControlCommandResponse callTranscriptionStart(callControlId, transcriptionStartRequest)
Transcription start

Start real-time transcription. Transcription will stop on call hang-up, or can be initiated via the Transcription stop command.

### Example

// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.CallCommandsApi;

public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");

CallCommandsApi apiInstance = new CallCommandsApi(defaultClient);
String callControlId = "callControlId_example"; // String | Unique identifier and token for controlling the call
TranscriptionStartRequest transcriptionStartRequest = new TranscriptionStartRequest(); // TranscriptionStartRequest | Transcription start request
try {
CallControlCommandResponse result = apiInstance.callTranscriptionStart(callControlId, transcriptionStartRequest);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling CallCommandsApi#callTranscriptionStart");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

### Parameters

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String**| Unique identifier and token for controlling the call |
**transcriptionStartRequest** | [**TranscriptionStartRequest**](| Transcription start request |

### Return type


### Authorization


### HTTP request headers

- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json

### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | Successful response upon making a call control command. | - |
| **0** | Unexpected error | - |

## callTranscriptionStop

> CallControlCommandResponse callTranscriptionStop(callControlId, transcriptionStopRequest)
Transcription stop

Stop real-time transcription.

### Example

// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.CallCommandsApi;

public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");

CallCommandsApi apiInstance = new CallCommandsApi(defaultClient);
String callControlId = "callControlId_example"; // String | Unique identifier and token for controlling the call
TranscriptionStopRequest transcriptionStopRequest = new TranscriptionStopRequest(); // TranscriptionStopRequest | Transcription stop request
try {
CallControlCommandResponse result = apiInstance.callTranscriptionStop(callControlId, transcriptionStopRequest);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling CallCommandsApi#callTranscriptionStop");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

### Parameters

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String**| Unique identifier and token for controlling the call |
**transcriptionStopRequest** | [**TranscriptionStopRequest**](| Transcription stop request |

### Return type


### Authorization


### HTTP request headers

- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json

### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | Successful response upon making a call control command. | - |
| **0** | Unexpected error | - |

## callTransfer

> CallControlCommandResponse callTransfer(callControlId, transferCallRequest)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ public class Example {
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");

CallControlApplicationsApi apiInstance = new CallControlApplicationsApi(defaultClient);
Integer pageNumber = 1; // Integer | The page number to load.
Integer pageSize = 20; // Integer | The size of the page.
Integer pageNumber = 1; // Integer | The page number to load
Integer pageSize = 250; // Integer | The size of the page
String filterApplicationNameContains = "\"null\""; // String | If present, applications with <code>application_name</code> containing the given value will be returned. Matching is not case-sensitive. Requires at least three characters.
String filterOutboundVoiceProfileId = 1293384261075731499; // String | Identifies the associated outbound voice profile.
String sort = connection_name; // String | Specifies the sort order for results. By default sorting direction is ascending. To have the results sorted in descending order add the <code> -</code> prefix.<br/><br/> That is: <ul> <li> <code>connection_name</code>: sorts the result by the <code>connection_name</code> field in ascending order. </li> <li> <code>-connection_name</code>: sorts the result by the <code>connection_name</code> field in descending order. </li> </ul> <br/> If not given, results are sorted by <code>created_at</code> in descending order.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ public class Example {

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pageNumber** | **Integer**| The page number to load. | [optional] [default to 1]
**pageSize** | **Integer**| The size of the page. | [optional] [default to 20]
**pageNumber** | **Integer**| The page number to load | [optional] [default to 1]
**pageSize** | **Integer**| The size of the page | [optional] [default to 250]
**filterApplicationNameContains** | **String**| If present, applications with &lt;code&gt;application_name&lt;/code&gt; containing the given value will be returned. Matching is not case-sensitive. Requires at least three characters. | [optional] [default to &quot;null&quot;]
**filterOutboundVoiceProfileId** | **String**| Identifies the associated outbound voice profile. | [optional]
**sort** | **String**| Specifies the sort order for results. By default sorting direction is ascending. To have the results sorted in descending order add the &lt;code&gt; -&lt;/code&gt; prefix.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; That is: &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;code&gt;connection_name&lt;/code&gt;: sorts the result by the &lt;code&gt;connection_name&lt;/code&gt; field in ascending order. &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;code&gt;-connection_name&lt;/code&gt;: sorts the result by the &lt;code&gt;connection_name&lt;/code&gt; field in descending order. &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;br/&gt; If not given, results are sorted by &lt;code&gt;created_at&lt;/code&gt; in descending order. | [optional] [default to created_at] [enum: created_at, connection_name, active]
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]

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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
**from** | **String** | Number or SIP URI placing the call. | [optional]
**to** | **String** | Destination number or SIP URI of the call. | [optional]
**startTime** | [**OffsetDateTime**]( | ISO 8601 datetime of when the call started. | [optional]
**state** | [**StateEnum**](#StateEnum) | State received from a command. | [optional]
**hangupCause** | [**HangupCauseEnum**](#HangupCauseEnum) | The reason the call was ended (&#x60;call_rejected&#x60;, &#x60;normal_clearing&#x60;, &#x60;originator_cancel&#x60;, &#x60;timeout&#x60;, &#x60;time_limit&#x60;, &#x60;user_busy&#x60;, &#x60;not_found&#x60; or &#x60;unspecified&#x60;). | [optional]
**hangupSource** | [**HangupSourceEnum**](#HangupSourceEnum) | The party who ended the call (&#x60;callee&#x60;, &#x60;caller&#x60;, &#x60;unknown&#x60;). | [optional]
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callControlId** | **String** | Call ID used to issue commands via Call Control API. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
**recordingStartedAt** | [**OffsetDateTime**]( | ISO 8601 datetime of when recording started. | [optional]
**recordingEndedAt** | [**OffsetDateTime**]( | ISO 8601 datetime of when recording ended. | [optional]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**callControlId** | **String** | Unique ID for controlling the call. | [optional]
**callLegId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**callSessionId** | **String** | ID that is unique to the call session and can be used to correlate webhook events. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Telnyx connection ID used in the call. | [optional]
**connectionId** | **String** | Call Control App ID (formerly Telnyx connection ID) used in the call. | [optional]
**clientState** | **String** | State received from a command. | [optional]
**from** | **String** | Number or SIP URI placing the call. | [optional]
**sipNotifyResponse** | **Integer** | SIP NOTIFY event status for tracking the REFER attempt. | [optional]
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