This repository contains the dataset, the evaluation code and the source code of our works on spherical superpixels.
Currently, our dataset contains 75 manually annotated spherical panoramas. The original panoramas are selected from SUN360 dataset. Each image is resized to 1024x512 pixels and segmented with an annotation tool based on the application provided by the authors of BSD dataset.
For each spherical panorama, we provide the ground truth segmentations and ground truth boundaries. Some annotation examples are shown below. If you use this dataset in published work, please cite our paper as
author = {Liang Wan and Xiaorui Xu and Qiang Zhao and Wei Feng},
title = {Spherical Superpixels: Benchmark and Evaluation},
booktitle = {ACCV},
YEAR = {2018},
Currently, there is only the executable for spherical SLIC algorithm. If you use it in your work, please cite our paper as
author = {Q. {Zhao} and F. {Dai} and Y. {Ma} and L. {Wan} and J. {Zhang} and Y. {Zhang}},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
title = {Spherical Superpixel Segmentation},
year = {2018},
volume = {20},
number = {6},
pages = {1406-1417},