This is a To-Do list app to help users stay organized with tasks they need to get done. Users can signup by creating a username and password with authentication using JWTs. The user can create a to-do item, set its priority level, edit an item to update it with changes, mark an item as completed and delete items if they want to.
This is a Full-Stack MERN app using a RESTful API for interaction with the MongoDB database. React was used on the front-end along with the Chakra UI React library. MongoDB is used for the database along with Mongoose, Express and Node.js on the back-end to create a RESTful API that the front-end interacts with. React Context is used for state management of the app including the current user's info, their to-do items and the current to-do item when selecting a single item to edit.
Please visit my GitHub profile to check out this and other projects I've created and contributed to. Contact me at [email protected] with any questions or if you'd like to collaborate.