- run : yarn install to install the dependencies
- build : yarn run build
- start the server : yarn run start
server run on port : 3000
I have included my .env file and down here is the schema of my file
Create a .env file with the following details :
- POSTGRES_DB= database name
- POSTGRES_DB_TEST= database name for tests
- POSTGRES_USER= database user username
- POSTGRES_USER_PASSWORD= database user password
- ENV= "dev" or "test"
- BCRYPT_PASSWORD= pepper for bcrypt
- SALT_ROUNDS= salt rounds for bcrypt
- TOKEN_SECRET= secret for jsonwebtoken
After creating that file everything should be working
- I use postgres locally because I didn't manage to connect the server to the database in docker container
Test are run on the test database :
make sure to set ENV=test before running the tests
run tests with : yarn run test
I added a table for categories.
I added the endpoints for categories in REQUIREMENTS.md
So these are the steps to start adding product:
- create a category
- create a product
- create a user
- create an order
and from there you are good to go.