This project contains:
- A web app based on flask to serve face register and face retrieve.
- Convert Inception_resnet_v1 model to Caffemodel, and to CoreML model in iOS.
- The iOS App can be found in face_recognition_ios
- Flask
- pyw_hnswlib fast approximate nearest neighbors
- pyCaffe
- Tensorflow (Only use to convert model)
python 8000
caffe_model_path = "./mtcnn"
imgSavePath = "static/uploadImages"
faceSearchData = "./faceSearchData"
caffePrototxt = 'InceptionResnet_Model/resnetInception.prototxt'
caffemodel = 'InceptionResnet_Model/inception_resnet_v1_conv1x1.caffemodel'
The pretrained model of facenet based on caffe can be downloaded in
It seems that the older pretrained model with 128D embedding output has a higher accuray than new model with 512D output, refer to davidsandberg/facenet#948. So here use pretrained model 20170512-110547
as default. You can change to 20180402-114759
, remember to change EMBEDDING_SIZE = 512
as well, and also hnswlib.Index(space='l2', dim=512)
- POST /faceRegister
{"faces": [{"BoxsPoints": [{"box": [639, 83, 824, 316], "pt": [671, 757, 712, 693, 764, 171, 157, 214, 263, 252]}, {"box": [252, 85, 456, 357], "pt": [309, 402, 353, 304, 395, 192, 197, 250, 285, 291]}], "name": "5252ab74-de19-4a35-ba2b-b96379c18055.jpg"}]}
- POST /faceRegisterBatch
{"faces": [{"BoxsPoints": [{"box": [104, 146, 145, 196], "pt": [111, 127, 117, 118, 132, 167, 163, 178, 188, 184]}, {"box": [279, 80, 327, 144], "pt": [287, 307, 295, 292, 310, 107, 105, 123, 132, 130]}, {"box": [0, 152, 38, 211], "pt": [12, 32, 22, 10, 26, 174, 177, 185, 194, 197]}, {"box": [161, 99, 207, 159], "pt": [172, 193, 183, 174, 194, 123, 122, 134, 143, 143]}], "name": ",2747785645&fm=26&gp=0.jpg"}, {"BoxsPoints": [{"box": [188, 37, 264, 137], "pt": [216, 250, 241, 219, 250, 80, 77, 102, 118, 116]}], "name": ",3655771084&fm=26&gp=0.jpg"}]}
- POST /faceRetrieve
{"faces": [{"distance": 0.23119516670703888, "path": "static/uploadImages/1550042580.7593167.jpg"}, {"distance": 0.31492435932159424, "path": "static/uploadImages/1550042916.6169314.jpg"}, {"distance": 0.46090781688690186, "path": "static/uploadImages/1550042916.6169314.jpg"}, {"distance": 0.48163485527038574, "path": "static/uploadImages/1550042916.206.jpg"}]}
The expression of batch norm:
which has 2 steps:
. Calculate the mean and variance of vectors in the layer of whole batch. This step is to do normalization. The 2 parameters of this expression is Not Trainable.
. Scale the normalized vectors and shift to new region. The 2 parameters of this expression is Trainable.
In tensorflow, parameter gamma is fixed to 1.0, so the only trainable parameter is beta, moving_mean
and moving_variance
are calculated batch by batch.
But in Caffe, batchnorm layer only do normalization, without rescale and shift, so we must put a scale layer on the top of each batchnorm layer. And also need to add bias_term: true
in prototxt, or there will be no beta value.
The shortcut of code is showing as follows:
should be assigned when there is biases in conv layer.- When input by 8x8 feature map, feed into pooling layer by size=3x3, stride=2, the output size of tensorflow is 3x3, but the caffe is 4x4, so it should do crop in caffe. The handy method is to replace crop layer by using kernel [[1,0], [0,0]] of conv2d.
- Some versions of caffe has no batchnorm or scale layer, which will indicate some keys can not be found in the future, solution is to change to another version of caffe.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
, 8 Cores, 32 processors, retrieve speed of HSNW Algorithm is approximate 10ms-20ms, the amount of 100,000 faces, 512D embedding vector each face. Based on MKL BlAS library.
- InnerProduct warns shape not match, solved by using 1x1 conv2d replace.
- Make sure the RGB, ARGB color space in iOS is all right.