Assignment 3 CISC 3130 MY9, Fall 2018 Instructor: Katherine Chuang Brooklyn College Assignment 3 - Due 11/05/18 11:59:59pm
Part 1 - Preparing an online portfolio The next part of the assignment uses Github to submit the assignment. If you don’t have a Github account yet, create one. These links might be helpful: Once you have that account created, within your account create a new repo following the structure - this is the bases for producing a website hosted by github pages ( We’ll fill this in later. Further information on setting up github pages can be found on their website If set up properly you should be able to access your website from Part 2 - Word Frequencies Get the lyrics to one of your favorite songs and using a hashmap (or similar data structure), count the number of times words appear in the song. By doing this you will be able to convert song lyrics to list of frequencies. You can copy the songs from a website such as into a text file. Read this text file from your code. Count the appearance of each unique word in the lyrics. Share the output of the results. Example: 100: frog 94: dog 43: cog 20: bog Part 3 - Word Cloud Using the Kumo library you can convert the word frequencies to a word cloud. Examples of word clouds can be found at the link above. The submission of this part would involve uploading to your github pages repo such that it can be viewed from a web page. Part 4 - Upload to Website You’ll be uploading the image to a simple static website hosted under your github account. More instructions will be given later this week. Example Repo: Example Web Site: Note that when you use github pages, you can access your website at and the underlying files would be found at Published by Google Drive–Report Abuse–Updated automatically every 5 minutes