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ARM64: Fix exit stub patching.
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Contributed by Javier Guerra Giraldez.

(cherry picked from commit 9da0653)

When the side trace is assembled, it is linked to its parent trace. For
this purpose, JIT runs through the parent trace mcode and updates jump
instruction targeted to the corresponding exitno. Prior to this patch,
these instructions were patched unconditionally, that leads to errors if
the jump target address is out of the value ranges specified in ARM64

As a result of the patch <lj_asm_patchexit> considers value ranges of
the jump targets and updates directly only those instructions fitting
the particular jump range. Moreover, the corresponding jump in the pad
leading to <lj_vm_exit_handler> is also patched, so those instructions,
that are not updated before, targets to the linked side trace too.

Additionally, there is some refactoring of jump targets assembling in
scope of this patch.

Igor Munkin:
* added the description and the test for the problem


Resolves tarantool/tarantool#6098
Part of tarantool/tarantool#5629

Reviewed-by: Sergey Kaplun <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Kirill Yukhin <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Igor Munkin <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Mike Pall authored and igormunkin committed Jun 16, 2022
1 parent f6676c2 commit d0a4ea8
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129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions test/tarantool-tests/gh-6098-fix-side-exit-patching-on-arm64.test.lua
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local tap = require('tap')
local test = tap.test('gh-6098-fix-side-exit-patching-on-arm64')

-- The function to be tested for side exit patching:
-- * At the beginning of the test case, the <if> branch is
-- recorded as a root trace.
-- * After <refuncs> (and some other hotspots) are recorded, the
-- <else> branch is recorded as a side trace.
-- When JIT is linking the side trace to the corresponding side
-- exit, it patches the jump targets.
local function cbool(cond)
if cond then
return 1
return 0

-- XXX: Function template below produces 8Kb mcode for ARM64, so
-- we need to compile at least 128 traces to exceed 1Mb delta
-- between <cbool> root trace side exit and <cbool> side trace.
-- Unfortunately, we have no other option for extending this jump
-- delta, since the base of the current mcode area (J->mcarea) is
-- used as a hint for mcode allocator (see lj_mcode.c for info).
local FUNCS = 128
local recfuncs = { }
for i = 1, FUNCS do
-- This is a quite heavy workload (though it doesn't look like
-- one at first). Each load from a table is type guarded. Each
-- table lookup (for both stores and loads) is guarded for table
-- <hmask> value and metatable presence. The code below results
-- to 8Kb of mcode for ARM64 in practice.
recfuncs[i] = assert(load(([[
return function(src)
local p = %d
local tmp = { }
local dst = { }
for i = 1, 3 do
tmp.a = src.a * p tmp.j = src.j * p tmp.s = src.s * p
tmp.b = src.b * p tmp.k = src.k * p tmp.t = src.t * p
tmp.c = src.c * p tmp.l = src.l * p tmp.u = src.u * p
tmp.d = src.d * p tmp.m = src.m * p tmp.v = src.v * p
tmp.e = src.e * p tmp.n = src.n * p tmp.w = src.w * p
tmp.f = src.f * p tmp.o = src.o * p tmp.x = src.x * p
tmp.g = src.g * p tmp.p = src.p * p tmp.y = src.y * p
tmp.h = src.h * p tmp.q = src.q * p tmp.z = src.z * p
tmp.i = src.i * p tmp.r = src.r * p
dst.a = tmp.z + p dst.j = tmp.q + p dst.s = tmp.h + p
dst.b = tmp.y + p dst.k = tmp.p + p dst.t = tmp.g + p
dst.c = tmp.x + p dst.l = tmp.o + p dst.u = tmp.f + p
dst.d = tmp.w + p dst.m = tmp.n + p dst.v = tmp.e + p
dst.e = tmp.v + p dst.n = tmp.m + p dst.w = tmp.d + p
dst.f = tmp.u + p dst.o = tmp.l + p dst.x = tmp.c + p
dst.g = tmp.t + p dst.p = tmp.k + p dst.y = tmp.b + p
dst.h = tmp.s + p dst.q = tmp.j + p dst.z = tmp.a + p
dst.i = tmp.r + p dst.r = tmp.i + p
dst.tmp = tmp
return dst
]]):format(i)), ('Syntax error in function recfuncs[%d]'):format(i))()

-- Make compiler work hard:
-- * No optimizations at all to produce more mcode.
-- * Try to compile all compiled paths as early as JIT can.
-- * Allow to compile 2Mb of mcode to be sure the issue occurs.
jit.opt.start(0, 'hotloop=1', 'hotexit=1', 'maxmcode=2048')

-- First call makes <cbool> hot enough to be recorded next time.
-- Second call records <cbool> body (i.e. <if> branch). This is
-- a root trace for <cbool>.

for i = 1, FUNCS do
-- XXX: FNEW is NYI, hence loop recording fails at this point.
-- The recording is aborted on purpose: we are going to record
-- <FUNCS> number of traces for functions in <recfuncs>.
-- Otherwise, loop recording might lead to a very long trace
-- error (via return to a lower frame), or a trace with lots of
-- side traces. We need neither of this, but just bunch of
-- traces filling the available mcode area.
local function tnew(p)
return {
a = p + 1, f = p + 6, k = p + 11, p = p + 16, u = p + 21, z = p + 26,
b = p + 2, g = p + 7, l = p + 12, q = p + 17, v = p + 22,
c = p + 3, h = p + 8, m = p + 13, r = p + 18, w = p + 23,
d = p + 4, i = p + 9, n = p + 14, s = p + 19, x = p + 24,
e = p + 5, j = p + 10, o = p + 15, t = p + 20, y = p + 25,
-- Each function call produces a trace (see the template for the
-- function definition above).

-- XXX: I tried to make the test in pure Lua, but I failed to
-- implement the robust solution. As a result I've implemented a
-- tiny Lua C API module to route the flow through C frames and
-- make JIT work the way I need to reproduce the fail. See the
-- usage below.
-- <pxcall> is just a wrapper for <lua_call> with "multiargs" and
-- "multiret" with the same signature as <pcall>.
local pxcall = require('libproxy').proxycall

-- XXX: Here is the dessert: JIT is aimed to work better for
-- highly biased code. It means, the root trace should be the
-- most popular flow. Furthermore, JIT also considers the fact,
-- that frequently taken side exits are *also* popular, and
-- compiles the side traces for such popular exits. However,
-- to recoup his attempts JIT try to compile the flow as far
-- as it can (see <lj_record_ret> in lj_record.c for more info).
-- Such "kind" behaviour occurs in our case: if one calls <cbool>
-- the native way, JIT continues recording in a lower frame after
-- returning from <cbool>. As a result, the second call is also
-- recorded, but it has to trigger the far jump to the side trace.
-- However, if the lower frame is not the Lua one, JIT doesn't
-- proceed the further flow recording and assembles the trace. In
-- this case, the second call jumps to <cbool> root trace, hits
-- the assertion guard and jumps to <cbool> side trace.
pxcall(cbool, false)

os.exit(test:check() and 0 or 1)
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
BuildTestCLib(libproxy libproxy.c)
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>

* Function with the signature similar to Lua <pcall> builtin,
* that routes the flow through C frame.
static int proxycall(lua_State *L)
lua_call(L, lua_gettop(L) - 1, LUA_MULTRET);
return lua_gettop(L);

static const struct luaL_Reg libproxy[] = {
{"proxycall", proxycall},

LUA_API int luaopen_libproxy(lua_State *L)
luaL_register(L, "libproxy", libproxy);
return 1;

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