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Use Apples usdzconvert on Windows or Unix platform with pre-built USD library

This repository contains command line scripts to run Apples usdzconvert with pre-built/pre-compiled USD libraries on MS Windows and Unix(tested on Ubuntu 18.04). The scripts will create and set appropriate PYTHONPATH and PATH variables so the USD libraries and Apple scripts can locate their dependencies.

Usdzconvert Web UI

If you prefer to use the usdz converter with a graphical user interface. Try usdzconvert_webui which will provide a web ui across your local network and even fix some weaknesses of the current usdzconvert implementation like wrong UV set assignment and missing material assignment for Alembic files.

On Windows you can easily install a usdzconvert_webui_installer that will automatically download a pre-compiled_usd_library release from this repository.


  • Download the latest release

  • Extract the release folder <release_zip_name> and open a command line inside that folder

  • with Python 2 or 3 installed:
    python /usdzconvert/usdzconvert <inputFile> <options>
    python - will start an interactive python interpreter with USD environment

  • to use any of the provided utilities eg. usdview
    python /USD/bin/usdview <inputFile>


  • without Python installed:
    run_usdzconvert.cmd /usdzconvert/usdzconvert <inputFile> <options>

  • test usdview with example asset


  • Unix needs a Python 2.7 interpreter with the following packages
    python2.7 -m pip install --user numpy
    python2.7 -m pip install --user Pillow

  • with python2.7 installed:
    python /usdzconvert/usdzconvert <inputFile> <options>
    python - will start an interactive python interpreter with USD environment

This archive contains

  • usdzconvert, a Python-based tool to convert from various file formats to usdz
  • usdARKitChecker, a Python-based tool for usdz validation
  • precompiled macOS Python modules for Pixar's USD library
  • a set of sample scripts that demonstrate how to write usd files
  • the fixOpacity tool
  • usdzcreateassetlib, a standalone tool to generate an asset library from multiple assets

The easiest way to start using these command-line tools is to double-click USD.command in the Finder. This will open a Terminal window with all necessary environment variables set.

For more details, including demos, see the WWDC 2019 session "Working with USD":

USD Pre-built libraries

  • Windows
python "<install_dir>" --build-args USD,"-DBOOST_ROOT=<path_to_boost_binaries>" --openimageio --usdview --alembic --hdf5

Fix OpenExr 2.2.0 build errors by copying: Half.dll, Iex-2_2.dll, IexMath-2_2.dll, Imath-2_2.dll to OpenExr build dir\IlmImf (where b44ExpLogTable executable lives). Using 1_65_1 boost binaries from SourceForge

  • Unix
    python2.7 --no-imaging --no-usdview --alembic --hdf5
    Fix OpenExr 2.2.0 build errors by: sudo apt-get install libilmbase-dev