AMS 2013-2014 Solar Energy Prediction Contest
The contest training data are separated into 3 files.
gefs_train.tar.gz and contain all of the GEFS training data. The data are in netCDF4 files with each file holding the grids for each ensemble member at every time step for a particular variable. Each netCDF file contains the latitude-longitude grid and timestep values as well as metadata listing the full names of each variable and the associated units. More infromation about the netCDF format and links to open libraries for reading the files can be found here. NetCDF libraries are known to be available for C, Java, Python, R, and MATLAB.
Each netCDF4 file contains the total data for one of the model variables and are stored in a multidimensional array. The first dimension is the date of the model run and will correspond directly with a row in either the train.csv or sampleSubmission.csv files. The second dimension is the ensemble member that the forecast comes from. The GEFS has 11 ensemble members with perturbed initial conditions. The third dimension is the forecast hour, which runs from 12 to 24 hours in 3 hour increments. All model runs start at 00 UTC, so they will always correspond to the same universal time although local solar time will vary over each year. The fourth and fifth dimensions are the latitude and longitude uniform spatial grid. The longitudes in the file are in positive degrees from the Prime Meridian, so subtracting 360 from them will translate them to a similar range of values as in station_info.csv. A visualization of the grid can be seen on the main page.
Variable Description Units apcp_sfc 3-Hour accumulated precipitation at the surface kg m-2 dlwrf_sfc Downward long-wave radiative flux average at the surface W m-2 dswrf_sfc Downward short-wave radiative flux average at the surface W m-2 pres_msl Air pressure at mean sea level Pa pwat_eatm Precipitable Water over the entire depth of the atmosphere kg m-2 spfh_2m Specific Humidity at 2 m above ground kg kg-1 tcdc_eatm Total cloud cover over the entire depth of the atmosphere % tcolc_eatm Total column-integrated condensate over the entire atmos. kg m-2 tmax_2m Maximum Temperature over the past 3 hours at 2 m above the ground K tmin_2m Mininmum Temperature over the past 3 hours at 2 m above the ground K tmp_2m Current temperature at 2 m above the ground K tmp_sfc Temperature of the surface K ulwrf_sfc Upward long-wave radiation at the surface W m-2 ulwrf_tatm Upward long-wave radiation at the top of the atmosphere W m-2 uswrf_sfc Upward short-wave radiation at the surface W m-2 train.csv contains the total daily incoming solar energy in (J m-2) at 98 Oklahoma Mesonet sites that have been in continuous operation since January 1, 1994. The solar energy was directly measured by a pyranometer at each Mesonet site every 5 minutes and summed from sunrise to 23:55 UTC of the date listed in each column.
station_info.csv contains the latitude, longitudes, and elevation (meters) of each Mesonet station.