This is a small program in Python to help solve Wordle riddles. It takes your guesses and their scores, compares them against the wordle masterlist and returns a shortlist of words that you can use as your next guess ...
ensure that files and wordle_word_list.txt are in the same directory
keep updating the guesses and the scores you get in wordle in the file
everytime you execute, it will give you a shortlist of words that meet all the scores correctly
guesses and scores need to be updated in line 55 onwards
example below
code is 0 = grey, 1 = orange, 2 = green you can comment out any of the guesses by putting a # in front of it any guesses that do not have 5 characters in their check_word and score will be ignored
for example in wordle 247 if your choices were
- chasm (score grey-orange-grey-grey-grey)
- under (score grey-grey-grey-green-green) and
- hiker (score orange-grey-grey-green-green)
.. you will set it up as
guesses = []
guesses.append({'check_word':'chasm', 'score': '01000'})
guesses.append({'check_word':'under', 'score': '00022'})
guesses.append({'check_word':'hiker', 'score': '10022'})
guesses.append({'check_word':'', 'score': '00222'})
guesses.append({'check_word':'', 'score': '22010'})
if you run the program with the above setting you will get a shortlist of 'ether' and 'other' which are the only two words that fit all the scores above ('other' was the correct answer for wordle 247)