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AD8367bigpot amp board modification

tandersn edited this page Jun 6, 2023 · 7 revisions

It goes without saying, but i'm going to say it anyway, you should double check each connection after each mod, with your multimeter. It can save you trouble later... (yes, i'm going to say this on almost every mod page!)

The amp boards sold on ebay and aliexpress are most assuredly not configured for optimal use at the frequencies we want, so some modifications are required. The AD8367 has internal 200 ohm termination, which works well with the VHS decks i have tested.

NOTE: You MUST use a very short cable from the VCR/LD player to the amp, like the one pictured in the connection diagram.

Here's a pre modification picture of the big pot board, for reference:

  1. Proceed to modify the amp board as notated in this picture: ad8367bigpot markup
  2. Optional, but recommended, remove the power supply block (blue in this picture) and solder the wires from the battery pack directly to it. I have found it to be problematic and have intermittent connectivity issues.
  3. After mods you should have something like this: ad8367bigpot2
  4. Optional, but recommended, use foam type double sided tape to affix the amp board to the power pack, and zip tie the wires, apply tape to bottom of amp board. Stick amp onto battery pack and zip tie wires (check other amp mod pages for examples).

ad8367rmspackage Here is an example using the other RMS board, with the power block removed, and the amp affixed to the battery pack.

That's it.