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tools: Update
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taiki-e committed Feb 21, 2025
1 parent 25794a7 commit 7722eea
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 37 deletions.
72 changes: 35 additions & 37 deletions tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")"/..
# ./tools/
# Note: This script requires the following tools:
# - git
# - git 1.8+
# - jq 1.6+
# - npm (node 18+)
# - python 3.6+
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,11 @@ print_fenced() {
printf '=======================================\n\n'
check_diff() {
if [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]]; then
if [[ -n "${GITHUB_ACTIONS:-}" ]]; then
if ! git -c color.ui=always --no-pager diff --exit-code "$@"; then
elif [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]]; then
if ! git --no-pager diff --exit-code "$@"; then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,9 +493,7 @@ prettier_ext=('*.css' '*.html' '*.js' '*.json' '*.yml' '*.yaml')
if [[ -n "$(ls_files "${prettier_ext[@]}")" ]]; then
info "checking YAML/HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JSON code style"
check_config .editorconfig
if [[ "${ostype}" == 'solaris' ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
elif check_install npm; then
if check_install npm; then
IFS=' '
info "running \`npx -y prettier -l -w \$(git ls-files ${prettier_ext[*]})\`"
Expand All @@ -510,9 +512,7 @@ check_alt '.yml extension' '.yaml extension' "$(ls_files '*.yaml' | { grep -Fv '
if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*.toml' | { grep -Fv '.taplo.toml' || true; })" ]]; then
info "checking TOML style"
check_config .taplo.toml
if [[ "${ostype}" == 'solaris' ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
elif check_install npm; then
if check_install npm; then
info "running \`npx -y @taplo/cli fmt \$(git ls-files '*.toml')\`"
RUST_LOG=warn npx -y @taplo/cli fmt $(ls_files '*.toml')
check_diff $(ls_files '*.toml')
Expand All @@ -527,9 +527,7 @@ check_hidden taplo.toml
if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*.md')" ]]; then
info "checking markdown style"
check_config .markdownlint-cli2.yaml
if [[ "${ostype}" == 'solaris' ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
elif check_install npm; then
if check_install npm; then
info "running \`npx -y markdownlint-cli2 \$(git ls-files '*.md')\`"
if ! npx -y markdownlint-cli2 $(ls_files '*.md'); then
error "check failed; please resolve the above markdownlint error(s)"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,12 +667,7 @@ elif check_install shellcheck; then
# Exclude SC2096 due to the way the temporary script is created.
info "running \`shellcheck --exclude ${shellcheck_exclude}\` for scripts in \$(git ls-files '*Dockerfile*')\`"
if [[ "${ostype}" == 'windows' ]]; then
# No such file or directory: '/proc/N/fd/N'
warn "this check is skipped on Windows due to upstream bug (failed to found fd created by <())"
elif [[ "${ostype}" == 'dragonfly' ]]; then
warn "this check is skipped on DragonFly BSD due to upstream bug (hang)"
elif check_install jq python3 parse-dockerfile; then
if check_install jq python3 parse-dockerfile; then
shellcheck_for_dockerfile() {
local text=$1
local shell=$2
Expand All @@ -684,15 +677,23 @@ elif check_install shellcheck; then
case "${ostype}" in
windows) text=${text//\r/} ;;
windows) text=${text//$'\r'/} ;; # Parse error on git bash/msys2 bash.
local color=auto
if [[ -t 1 ]] || [[ -n "${GITHUB_ACTIONS:-}" ]]; then
if ! shellcheck --color="${color}" --exclude "${shellcheck_exclude}" <(printf '%s\n' "${text}") | sed "s/\/dev\/fd\/[0-9][0-9]*/$(sed_rhs_escape "${display_path}")/g"; then
# We don't use <(printf '%s\n' "${text}") here because:
# Windows: failed to found fd created by <() ("/proc/*/fd/* (git bash/msys2 bash) /dev/fd/* (cygwin bash): openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)" error)
# DragonFly BSD: hang
# Others: false negative
trap -- 'rm -- ./tools/.tidy-tmp; printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
printf '%s\n' "${text}" >|./tools/.tidy-tmp
if ! shellcheck --color="${color}" --exclude "${shellcheck_exclude}" ./tools/.tidy-tmp | sed "s/\.\/tools\/\.tidy-tmp/$(sed_rhs_escape "${display_path}")/g"; then
error "check failed; please resolve the above shellcheck error(s)"
rm -- ./tools/.tidy-tmp
trap -- 'printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
for dockerfile_path in ${docker_files[@]+"${docker_files[@]}"}; do
dockerfile=$(parse-dockerfile "${dockerfile_path}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -799,12 +800,7 @@ elif check_install shellcheck; then
# Exclude SC2096 due to the way the temporary script is created.
info "running \`shellcheck --exclude ${shellcheck_exclude}\` for scripts in .github/workflows/*.yml and **/action.yml"
if [[ "${ostype}" == 'windows' ]]; then
# No such file or directory: '/proc/N/fd/N'
warn "this check is skipped on Windows due to upstream bug (failed to found fd created by <())"
elif [[ "${ostype}" == 'dragonfly' ]]; then
warn "this check is skipped on DragonFly BSD due to upstream bug (hang)"
elif check_install jq python3; then
if check_install jq python3; then
shellcheck_for_gha() {
local text=$1
local shell=$2
Expand All @@ -816,27 +812,33 @@ elif check_install shellcheck; then
bash* | sh*) ;;
*) return ;;
text="#!/usr/bin/env ${shell%' {0}'}"$'\n'"${text}"
# Use python because sed doesn't support .*?.
"python${py_suffix}" - <(printf '%s\n%s' "#!/usr/bin/env ${shell%' {0}'}" "${text}") <<EOF
"python${py_suffix}" - <<EOF
import re
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
text =
text = re.sub(r"\\\${{.*?}}", "\${__GHA_SYNTAX__}", text)
text = re.sub(r"\\\${{.*?}}", "\${__GHA_SYNTAX__}", r'''${text}''')
case "${ostype}" in
windows) text=${text//\r/} ;;
windows) text=${text//$'\r'/} ;; # Python print emits \r\n.
local color=auto
if [[ -t 1 ]] || [[ -n "${GITHUB_ACTIONS:-}" ]]; then
if ! shellcheck --color="${color}" --exclude "${shellcheck_exclude}" <(printf '%s\n' "${text}") | sed "s/\/dev\/fd\/[0-9][0-9]*/$(sed_rhs_escape "${display_path}")/g"; then
# We don't use <(printf '%s\n' "${text}") here because:
# Windows: failed to found fd created by <() ("/proc/*/fd/* (git bash/msys2 bash) /dev/fd/* (cygwin bash): openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)" error)
# DragonFly BSD: hang
# Others: false negative
trap -- 'rm -- ./tools/.tidy-tmp; printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
printf '%s\n' "${text}" >|./tools/.tidy-tmp
if ! shellcheck --color="${color}" --exclude "${shellcheck_exclude}" ./tools/.tidy-tmp | sed "s/\.\/tools\/\.tidy-tmp/$(sed_rhs_escape "${display_path}")/g"; then
error "check failed; please resolve the above shellcheck error(s)"
rm -- ./tools/.tidy-tmp
trap -- 'printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
for workflow_path in ${workflows[@]+"${workflows[@]}"}; do
workflow=$(yq -c '.' "${workflow_path}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -966,11 +968,7 @@ fi
if [[ -f .cspell.json ]]; then
info "spell checking"
if [[ "${ostype}" == 'solaris' ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
elif [[ "${ostype}" == 'illumos' ]]; then
warn "this check is skipped on illumos due to upstream bug (dictionaries are not loaded correctly)"
elif check_install npm jq python3; then
if check_install npm jq python3; then
if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*Cargo.toml')" ]]; then
Expand Down

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