A library written in C++17 to utilize Synology NAS WebAPI.
It uses a ton of dependencies:
- refl-cpp for static reflection;
- magic_enum to parse enums in the serializer;
- C++ Requests to make requests to the API;
- fmtlib for string formatting;
- nlohmann::json for JSON support;
- CxxUrl for proper URL building.
The library has QuickConnect support.
As for now, these API methods have been implemented:
- query
:- login (v6)
- no OTP support
- login (v6)
Upcoming features:
- Doxygen documentation
- Wildcard method headers (e.g. to include all methods of SYNO.API.*)
- Download Station API
- File Station API
with encrypted credentials support
#include <cppnology/Instance.h>
#include <cppnology/API/Info/query.h>
namespace Syno = cppnology;
// to connect with QuickConnect
auto a = Syno::Instance(Syno::QuickConnect("quickconnect_id"), "login", "password");
// to connect with URL
auto b = Syno::Instance(Url().scheme("http").host("").port(5000), "login", "password");
a.call(Syno::API::Info::query<1>{}); // call SYNO.API.Info with method "query"
// call SYNO.API.Info with method "query" with param "query" set to "SYNO.FileStation."
cppnology is distributed under the MIT license.