Scripts, configurations, and more, related to UNG grid/cloud infrastructure.
Download and install Vagrant from here. If you use Ubuntu you can just execute following commands:
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_2.0.3_x86_64.deb
Install Vagrant OpenStack plugin:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-openstack-provider
Clone this repo:
git clone
cd ung-cloud/cloud/vagrant
mkdir modules
cd modules
# Clone repos with required modules
git clone stdlib
git clone apt
cd ..
Change Vagrantfile to contain proper username and password in OpenStack project. Create virtual machine with:
vagrant up
Wait for the machine to boot, so it can ssh automatically, but sometimes in hangs (it might be a sign that smth is wrong). If the machine is already running you can execute:
vagrant ssh
If you deleted virtual machine via GUI some versions of plugin might results in error, in that case delete following folder:
rm -rf .vagrant/
I noticed that sometimes machine is created, but not properly, for example user_data script is not executed during the boot. Most probably it is a bug with the OpenStack installation I use. In such case I reload the machine:
vagrant reload
More info about Vagrant OpenStack plugin you can find here