orgnote.el is a package for synchronizing your org roam notes, or just org files with property id from emacs with an external application - orgnote and vice versa. For correct usage you need to have API and activation key
- Install npm
- Install orgnote-cli
M-x orgnote-install-dependencies
ornpm install -g orgnote-cli
(package! orgnote
:recipe (:host github :repo "artawower/orgnote.el"))
(use-package! orgnote
:defer t
:hook (org-mode . orgnote-sync-mode))
(use-package orgnote
:straight (:host github :repo "Artawower/orgnote.el")
:general (:states '(normal visual)
:keymaps 'org-mode-map
"SPC np" 'orgnote-publish-file))
- enable debug mode for additional logging. Consider enabling the flag when you create a bug-related question
- path to the configuration file. Default is `~/.config/orgnote/config.json`
- path to the execution script. Default is orgnote-cli
Read more about CLI tool here
Any contribution is very much appreciated! Please read the style guide before contributing to avoid misunderstandings!
Also, the project exists solely on donations. I would appreciate it if you would join my patreon.