A Symfony2 wrapper for the Zimbra SOAP Admin API (ZASA). This bundle uses a custom XML builder to post SOAP requests over CURL or using the fopen() wrappers.
This bundle works with Zimbra 7 & 8
This bundle was written to work specifically with our business model, so some functions return non-standard output. However, it should work with many use cases.
- PHP 5.3 with curl support
- Symfony 2.7 or greater
Use composer to manage your dependencies and download SynaqZasaBundle:
$ php composer.phar update synaq/zasa-bundle
Add the bundles to your AppKernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Synaq\ZasaBundle\SynaqZasaBundle(),
new Synaq\CurlBundle\SynaqCurlBundle(),
// ...
Add the bundle configuration
server: your-zimbra-server.com
admin_user: your-admin-user
admin_pass: your-admin-password
use_fopen: true|false
auth_token_path: /path/to/optional/existing/auth/token
rest_base_url: http://your-zimbra-server-rest-url-without-service-endpoint.some-host.com
cookie_file: false
##Usage You can use the Zimbra Connector by getting the 'synaq_zasa.connector' service
class SomeController extends Controller
public function someAction()
$connector = $this->get('synaq_zasa.connector');
You can then make requests using the controller
$account = $connector->getAccount('[email protected]');
Please see the ZimbraConnector class for available classes.
A Docker image with the full development environment required to develop on this bundle can be built using the included Dockerfile and a ready-made build script:
This builds the synaq/zimbra-connector-dev image, which has XDebug pre-configured for remote debugging to a local XDebug client.
For an interactive terminal session inside a container based on the image, with the project working directory mounted as /opt/project, run: