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Merge pull request #103 from staadecker/plots
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pesap authored Sep 2, 2021
2 parents 4f14bee + d3371e1 commit 95023e6
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Showing 21 changed files with 988 additions and 72 deletions.

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion switch_model/balancing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,11 +251,12 @@ def graph_energy_balance(tools):
load_balance["normalized_energy_balance_duals_dollar_per_mwh"], errors="coerce") / 10
load_balance = load_balance[["energy_balance_duals", "time_row"]]
load_balance = load_balance.pivot(columns="time_row", values="energy_balance_duals")
percent_of_zeroes = sum(load_balance == 0) / len(load_balance) * 100
# Don't include the zero-valued duals
load_balance = load_balance.replace(0,
if load_balance.count().sum() != 0:
ax=tools.get_axes(note=f"{percent_of_zeroes:.1f}% of duals are zero"),
ylabel='Energy balance duals (cents/kWh)',
Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion switch_model/generators/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -776,6 +776,23 @@ def graph_buildout_per_tech(tools):
ax = tools.get_axes()
df.plot(ax=ax, kind='line', color=colors, xlabel='Period', marker="x")
# Set the y-axis to use percent
# Horizontal line at 100%
ax.axhline(y=1, linestyle="--", color='b')

title="Map of online capacity per load zone."
def buildout_map(tools):
buildout = tools.get_dataframe("gen_cap.csv").rename({"GenCapacity": "value"}, axis=1)
buildout = tools.transform.gen_type(buildout)
buildout = buildout.groupby(["gen_type", "gen_load_zone"], as_index=False)["value"].sum()
ax = tools.maps.graph_pie_chart(buildout)
transmission = tools.get_dataframe("transmission.csv", convert_dot_to_na=True).fillna(0)
transmission = transmission.rename({"trans_lz1": "from", "trans_lz2": "to", "BuildTx": "value"}, axis=1)
transmission = transmission[["from", "to", "value", "PERIOD"]]
transmission = transmission.groupby(["from", "to", "PERIOD"], as_index=False).sum().drop("PERIOD", axis=1)
# Rename the columns appropriately
transmission.value *= 1e-3
tools.maps.graph_transmission(transmission, cutoff=0.1, ax=ax, legend=True)
111 changes: 110 additions & 1 deletion switch_model/generators/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -806,8 +806,117 @@ def graph_curtailment_per_tech(tools):
df.plot(ax=ax, kind='line', xlabel='Period', marker="x", **kwargs)

# Set the y-axis to use percent
# Horizontal line at 100%
# ax.axhline(y=1, linestyle="--", color='b')

title="Balance between demand, generation and storage for last period",
note="Dashed green and red lines are total generation and total demand (incl. transmission losses),"
" respectively.\nDotted line is the total state of charge (scaled for readability)."
"\nWe used a 14-day rolling mean to smoothen out values."
def graph_energy_balance_2(tools):
# Get dispatch dataframe
dispatch = tools.get_dataframe("dispatch.csv", usecols=[
"timestamp", "gen_tech", "gen_energy_source", "DispatchGen_MW", "scenario_name"
]).rename({"DispatchGen_MW": "value"}, axis=1)
dispatch = tools.transform.gen_type(dispatch)

# Sum dispatch across all the projects of the same type and timepoint
dispatch = dispatch.groupby(["timestamp", "gen_type"], as_index=False).sum()
dispatch = dispatch[dispatch["gen_type"] != "Storage"]

# Get load dataframe
load = tools.get_dataframe("load_balance.csv", usecols=[
"timestamp", "zone_demand_mw", "TXPowerNet", "scenario_name"

def process_time(df):
df = df.astype({"period": int})
df = df[df["period"] == df["period"].max()].drop(columns="period")
return df.set_index("datetime")

# Sum load across all the load zones
load = load.groupby(["timestamp"], as_index=False).sum()

# Include Tx Losses in demand and flip sign
load["value"] = (load["zone_demand_mw"] + load["TXPowerNet"]) * -1

# Rename and convert from wide to long format
load = load[["timestamp", "value"]]

# Add the timestamp information and make period string to ensure it doesn't mess up the graphing
dispatch = process_time(tools.transform.timestamp(dispatch))
load = process_time(tools.transform.timestamp(load))

# Convert to TWh (incl. multiply by timepoint duration)
dispatch["value"] *= dispatch["tp_duration"] / 1e6
load["value"] *= load["tp_duration"] / 1e6

days = 14
freq = str(days) + "D"
offset = tools.pd.Timedelta(freq) / 2

def rolling_sum(df):
df = df.rolling(freq, center=True).value.sum().reset_index()
df["value"] /= days
df = df[(df.datetime.min() + offset < df.datetime) & (df.datetime < df.datetime.max() - offset)]
return df

dispatch = rolling_sum(dispatch.groupby("gen_type", as_index=False))
load = rolling_sum(load).set_index("datetime")["value"]

# Get the state of charge data
soc = tools.get_dataframe("StateOfCharge.csv", dtype={"STORAGE_GEN_TPS_1": str}) \
.rename(columns={"STORAGE_GEN_TPS_2": "timepoint", "StateOfCharge": "value"})
# Sum over all the projects that are in the same scenario with the same timepoint
soc = soc.groupby(["timepoint"], as_index=False).sum()
soc["value"] /= 1e6 # Convert to TWh
max_soc = soc["value"].max()

# Group by time
soc = process_time(tools.transform.timestamp(soc, use_timepoint=True, key_col="timepoint"))
soc = soc.rolling(freq, center=True)["value"].mean().reset_index()
soc = soc[(soc.datetime.min() + offset < soc.datetime) & (soc.datetime < soc.datetime.max() - offset)]
soc = soc.set_index("datetime")["value"]

dispatch = dispatch[dispatch["value"] != 0]
dispatch = dispatch.pivot(columns="gen_type", index="datetime", values="value")
dispatch = dispatch[dispatch.std().sort_values().index].rename_axis("Technology", axis=1)
total_dispatch = dispatch.sum(axis=1)

max_val = max(total_dispatch.max(), load.max())

# Scale soc to the graph
soc *= max_val / max_soc

# Plot
# Get the colors for the lines
# plot
ax = tools.get_axes(ylabel="Average Daily Generation (TWh)")
ax.set_ylim(0, max_val * 1.05)
soc.plot(ax=ax, color="black", linestyle="dotted")
load.plot(ax=ax, color="red", linestyle="dashed")
total_dispatch.plot(ax=ax, color="green", linestyle="dashed")
ax.fill_between(total_dispatch.index, total_dispatch.values, load.values, alpha=0.2, where=load<total_dispatch, facecolor="green")
ax.fill_between(total_dispatch.index, total_dispatch.values, load.values, alpha=0.2, where=load>total_dispatch, facecolor="red")

title="Dispatched electricity per load zone"
def dispatch_map(tools):
dispatch = tools.get_dataframe("dispatch_zonal_annual_summary.csv").rename({"Energy_GWh_typical_yr": "value"},
dispatch = tools.transform.gen_type(dispatch)
dispatch = dispatch.groupby(["gen_type", "gen_load_zone"], as_index=False)["value"].sum()
86 changes: 56 additions & 30 deletions switch_model/generators/extensions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
import math

import pandas as pd
from scipy import fft

from pyomo.environ import *
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,48 +424,72 @@ def post_solve(instance, outdir):
title="State of Charge Throughout the Year",
note="The daily charge/discharge amount is calculated as"
" the difference between the maximum and minimum"
" state of charge in a 1-day rolling window.\n"
"The black line is the 14-day rolling mean of the state of charge."
def graph_state_of_charge(tools):
# Each panel is a period and scenario
panel_group = ["period", "scenario_name"]
rolling_mean_window_size = '14D'

# Get the total state of charge per timepoint and scenario
df = tools.get_dataframe("storage_dispatch")
df = df.groupby(["timepoint", "scenario_name"], as_index=False)["StateOfCharge"].sum()
soc = tools.get_dataframe("storage_dispatch.csv").rename({"StateOfCharge": "value"}, axis=1)
soc = soc.groupby(["timepoint", "scenario_name"], as_index=False).value.sum()
# Convert values to TWh
soc.value /= 1e6
# Add datetime information
df = tools.transform.timestamp(df, key_col="timepoint")
soc = tools.transform.timestamp(soc, key_col="timepoint")[panel_group + ["datetime", "value"]]
# Count num rows
num_periods = len(df["period"].unique())

# Get the total capacity per period and scenario
capacity = tools.get_dataframe("storage_capacity.csv")
capacity = capacity.groupby(["period", "scenario_name"], as_index=False)["OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"].sum()
num_periods = len(soc["period"].unique())

# Add the capacity to our dataframe
df = df.merge(
on=["period", "scenario_name"],
# Used later
grouped_soc = soc.set_index("datetime").groupby(panel_group, as_index=False)

# Convert values to TWh
df["StateOfCharge"] /= 1e6
df["OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"] /= 1e6
# Calculate the weekly SOC
weekly_soc = grouped_soc.rolling(rolling_mean_window_size, center=True) \
.value \
.mean() \

# Determine information for the label
y_axis_lim = df["OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"].max()
offset = y_axis_lim * 0.05
df["label_position"] = df["OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"] + offset
df["label"] = df["OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"].round(decimals=2)
label_x_pos = df["datetime"].median()
# Get the total capacity per period and scenario
capacity = tools.get_dataframe("storage_capacity.csv")
capacity = capacity.groupby(panel_group, as_index=False)["OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"]\
.rename({"OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh": "value"}, axis=1)
capacity.value /= 1e6
capacity["type"] = "Total Energy Capacity"

# Add information regarding the diurnal cycle to the dataframe
# Find the difference between the min and max for every day of the year
group = grouped_soc.rolling('D', center=True).value
daily_size = (group.max() - group.min()).reset_index().groupby(panel_group, as_index=False)
# Find the mean between the difference of the min and max
avg_daily_size = daily_size.mean()[panel_group + ["value"]]
avg_daily_size["type"] = "Mean Daily Charge/Discharge"
max_daily_size = daily_size.max()[panel_group + ["value"]]
max_daily_size["type"] = "Maximum Daily Charge/Discharge"

# Determine information for the labels
y_axis_max = capacity.value.max()
label_x_pos = soc["datetime"].median()

hlines = pd.concat([capacity, avg_daily_size, max_daily_size])

# For the max label
hlines["label_pos"] = hlines.value + y_axis_max * 0.05
hlines["label"] = hlines.value.round(decimals=2)

# Plot with plotnine
pn =
plot = pn.ggplot(df, pn.aes(x="datetime", y="StateOfCharge")) \
+ pn.geom_line() \
plot = pn.ggplot(soc, pn.aes(x="datetime", y="value")) \
+ pn.geom_line(color='gray') \
+ pn.geom_line(data=weekly_soc, color='black') \
+ pn.labs(y="State of Charge (TWh)", x="Time of Year") \
+ pn.geom_hline(pn.aes(yintercept="OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"), linetype="dashed", color='blue') \
+ pn.geom_text(pn.aes(label="label", x=label_x_pos, y="label_position"), fontweight="light", size="10")

+ pn.geom_hline(pn.aes(yintercept="value", label="label", color="type"), data=hlines, linetype="dashed") \
+ pn.geom_text(pn.aes(label="label", x=label_x_pos, y="label_pos"), data=hlines, fontweight="light", size="10")
tools.save_figure(by_scenario_and_period(tools, plot, num_periods).draw())

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions switch_model/tools/graph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ def add_arguments(parser):
parser.add_argument("--modules", default=None, nargs='+',
help="Modules to load the graphing functions for. "
"If not specified reads the modules from modules.txt.")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--figure", default=None,
help="Name of the figure to graph. Figure names are the first argument in the @graph() decorator."
parser.add_argument("-f", "--figures", default=None, nargs='+',
help="Name of the figures to graph. Figure names are the first argument in the @graph() decorator."
" If unspecified graphs all the figures.")
parser.add_argument("--ignore-modules-txt", default=False, action="store_true",
help="When true modules in modules txt are not loaded")
Expand All @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ def graph_scenarios_from_cli(scenarios, args):
if args.modules is None:
args.modules = [] # Provide an empty list of modules

graph_scenarios(scenarios, args.graph_dir, args.overwrite, args.skip_long, args.modules, args.figure)
graph_scenarios(scenarios, args.graph_dir, args.overwrite, args.skip_long, args.modules, args.figures)

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