This repository contains solution to the project "Give Your Application Auto-Deploy Superpowers" of my Udacity Cloud DevOps Nanodegree Program
A CI-CD pipeline for a client/server TypeScript project with backend hosted on AWS EC2 and frontend on AWS S3 bucket and served via CloudFront, monitored with Prometheus with Slack used for alerts. AWS Infrastructure created with Cloud Formation Templates, Ansible used in server configuration and Prometheus configuration
the fictional "UdaPeople" Product is a (Cloud-Based Software) Product, a revolutionary concept in Human Resources which promises to help small businesses care better for their most valuable resource: their people."
- Nodejs 13
- Docker
- GitHub account
- CircleCi account
- AWS account
- kvdb api bucket
- Slack api App and Workspace
Relevant project files
Frontend Folder : Contains the frontend files of the application, access the README on how to use locally
Backend Folder : Contains the backend files of the application, access the README on how to use locally
Circleci Folder: Contains the circleci config file for the CI/CD pipeline as well as the ansible folder with the different playbooks for server configuration. The files folder contains the cloud formation templates for AWS infrastructure provisioning.