Where We Can Apply Unpaired Prametric T-test ?
- two groups needs to be independent
- parametric assumption needs to be satisfy
- Formulate Problem statement(research question) and hypothesis
- Import data
- Check independent parametric t-test assumption
- compute unpaired t-test(based on t-test selection)
- interpret result
Two types:
- student t-test(if assuming two group variance is equal)
- welch t-test(if assuming two group variance is uneuqal)
we are going to implement both.. :)
**Important : we used Levene's test for variance equality check **
Assumption 1 : Are the two samples(two group) independent Assumption 2 : Are the data from each of the 2 groups follow a normal distribution?
**Important : we used Shapiro-Wilk normality test for checking two group normal distribution **
Shapiro-Wilk return two result first is w-value and second is p-value
we have measured the weight of 100 individuals: 50 women (group A) and 50 men (group B).
We want to know if the mean weight of women (mA) is significantly different from that of men (mB).
Bold one is problem statement
null hypothesis (H0): H0:mA=mB
alternative hypothesis (Ha): Ha:mA≠mB (different)
Important:two tailed hypothesis
import pandas as pd
(18, 2)
(18, 2)
Parametric Asumption 1: Are the two samples(two group) independent?
Conclusion : Yes, since the samples from men and women are not related.
Assumtion 2: Are the data from each of the 2 groups follow a normal distribution?
**step 1 : formulate hypothesis **
- null hypothesis (H0): data are normaly distributed
- alternative hypothesis (Ha): note normaly distributed
step 2 : if Shapiro-Wilk test result p-values are greater then the significance p-value(0.05) then accept null hypothesis that means data is normal distributed
man p-value(0.106) > 0.05 hence normal distributed
woman p-value(0.601) > 0.05 hence normal distributed
import scipy.stats as stats
(0.8642458319664001, 0.10660982877016068)
(0.9426567554473877, 0.6101282835006714)
*** Levene test***
Problem formulation: both group have equal variance?
step 1 : formulate hypothesis
null hypothesis (H0): both group have equal variance alternative hypothesis (Ha): both group have unequal variance
step 2 : if Levene test result p-values are greater then the significance p-value(0.05) then accept null hypothesis that means both group have equal variance
Conclusion : p-value(0.2255) > 0.05 hence both group have equal variance
stats.levene(man.weight.dropna(), woman.weight.dropna())
LeveneResult(statistic=1.5888334612432846, pvalue=0.22556594075964187)
t, p = stats.ttest_ind(man.weight.dropna(), woman.weight.dropna())
t, p
(2.7842353699254567, 0.013265602643801042)
The p-value(0.013)>0.05 which is false so we accept alternate hypothesis which is We can conclude that men’s average weight is significantly different from women’s average weight
t, p = stats.ttest_ind(man.weight.dropna(), woman.weight.dropna(),equal_var = False)
t, p
(2.7842353699254567, 0.015384235142669895)