This is a Pytorch implementation of Feature-Steered Graph Convolutions (FeaStNet) for the task of dense shape correspondence on FAUST human dataset, as described in the paper:
Verma et al, FeaStNet: Feature-Steered Graph Convolutions for 3D Shape Analysis (CVPR 2018)
This implementation produces results better than those shown in the paper with the exactly same network architecture.
- Pytorch (1.3.0)
- Pytorch Geometric (1.3.0)
As a typical attention-based operator, FeaStNet learns a soft mapping from vertices to filter weights. The convolution is:
where assignment function . Let
, which results int translation invariance of the weights in the feature space, giving much better performance.
We provide efficient Pytorch implementation of the translation-invariant version of this operator FeaStConv
. You should also be able to access this operator from the Pytorch Geometric
In order to use your own dataset, you can simply create a regular python list holding
objects and specify the following attributes:
: Node feature matrix with shape[num_nodes, num_node_features]
: Graph connectivity in COO format with shape[2, num_edges]
and typetorch.long
: Pesudo-coordinates with shape[num_edges, pesudo-coordinates-dim]
: Target to train against
Please cite this paper if you use this code in your own work:
title={Feastnet: Feature-steered graph convolutions for 3d shape analysis},
author={Verma, Nitika and Boyer, Edmond and Verbeek, Jakob},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},