YamTimes is a modern, lightweight Python library for date and time manipulation, offering an intuitive API for common temporal operations. It provides a clean interface for working with dates, times, and timezones while maintaining simplicity and performance.
# Easy date creation and formatting
time = YamTimes(2024, 3, 15)
print(time.to_string("%Y-%m-%d")) # "2024-03-15"
# Check business days
time.is_weekday() # True
time.next_business_day() # Skip weekends
# Time arithmetic
# Zodiac sign detection
time.is_aries_sign() # Check if date falls in Aries
time.is_pisces_sign() # Check if date falls in Pisces
# Date comparison
time.is_weekend() # Check if it's weekend
time.is_holiday("US") # Check if it's a holiday
# Get localized names
time.month_name("pt_BR") # "Março"
time.weekday_name("es_ES") # "Viernes"
# Period calculations
time.days_in_month() # Get days in current month
time.is_leap_year() # Check if current year is leap
time.weeks_in_year() # Get number of weeks in year
- Lightweight wrapper around Python's datetime
- Fast execution for common operations
pip install yamtimes
Full documentation available at YamTimes Wiki
MIT License